690 14 2

Word count: 600
-kind of edited-

Keith had just gotten back to the Blade of Marmora base from his mission in which he rescued a Galra who was apparently his mother? (After s5 e5)

"Why should I believe you, anyway?" I growl at the purple woman sitting across the small room from me.

"I was able to use your knife, wasn't I?" She says, with a face that states, 'I win'

I guess she had a point there. If she wasn't my mother, she wouldn't have been able to use it like I do.

"I just- I can't believe it. If you're my mother, that would make me part Galra. How am I supposed to react to that? How will the team react? Oh my god, what will Allura think?" I mumbled, more to myself than her.

"Wait. Allura? As in Princess Allura? King Alfor's daughter?"


"How in the universe do you know her?" I roll my eyes. Out of everything, she's worried about that? Seriously?

"I don't think you're focusing on the big picture here. You are my mom. I am your son. Therefore, I am half Galra," I say, as it's the most obvious thing ever.

"I thought you knew that."

"And how exactly was I supposed to know this?"

"I assumed you knew. If you didn't, why would you join the Blade?"

"I don't know. I met them one day with Shiro and my - well, I guess your- knife turned into a sword. It was weird. I started going on missions with them. Next thing I knew, I'm in the Blade. It just felt right at the time."


"Yes, Shiro. My friend and teammate from Earth." I deadpanned, giving her an unamused look.

"I'm beyond confused. Teammate? Why are you in space anyway?"

"Surely, you know what Voltron is? You should, as you are Galra."

"Yes, of course I do. Everyone does. It's talked about non-stop."

"I was one of the paladins."


"Yes, was. I left to be in the Blade."

"Oh. I can't say I'm too impressed, as I have no idea what Voltron is exactly. I just know it exists."

"Well, I'm sure my friends would like to know you exist, so let me get some sleep, and we can go see 'what Voltron is exactly' in the morning," I said, quickly adding, "If Kolivan says we can." Kolivan kind of scares me, to be honest. Considering he could be listening at any given moment, it was vital to add that.

"Okay. Goodnight, Keith."

She gets up, and slowly walks to the door. I sit in silence as I watch her, the only sound being her walk across the floor. Just as I think she's going to walk out and close the door, she turns on her heel, and walks to me. When she reaches me, she begins to lean down, and I can only assume she is planning to kiss my forehead or something.

Pushing her away, I say, "Listen, Krolia, I know you're my mom and stuff, but I've literally known you for about an hour."

"Oh, um, sorry."

She stalks toward the door, and, just as she's about to step out, she turns, again.

"Wait. What's an hour?"

"Just go to bed," I groan.

She nods, then turns and walks out, closing the - rather loud - door, enveloping me in darkness. I lay down completely, on what Kolivan classifies as a bed, and feel my breathing getting steady. The last thought I have before sleeping is, 'I knew I'd find some pretty odd things in space, but my mother?!'

Andddd, there's chapter 1! I will probably work on chapter 2 as soon as I publish this, bc I'm really eager to write this story. I'm so excited aaaa.

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