502 13 20

Word count: 1023

Original Prompt: Keith takes his mother to meet the Voltron team

Edited prompt: Keith tells his mother about the paladins, and a bit of sadness about his father. (This chapter is kinda gay btw)

"Ok, so listen. You're gonna meet at least 6 people. There's Shiro. He's the team leader, he flies the black lion. He was acting a bit, um, off before I left, so be careful around him. Allura. I guess you already know that she's the princess of Altea. She flies the blue lion. She's really nice, but basically despises all Galra, so, again, be careful. Pidge. She's really short and smart, she flies the green lion. I say this in the most friendly way possible, she's kind of adorable. But if you get on her bad side, beware. She's also best friends with Hunk, and they're, like, insane when you get them together, so just, be prepared. Hunk is a giant marshmallow, honestly. Great chef, flies the yellow lion. He's the kind of person that wants to try to talk stuff out before fighting about it, but hurt one of his friends, and it's a different story. He also basically thinks I'm invincible, don't ask because I don't know either. His best friend is Lance. Lance is, um, interesting. We are 'rivals', but, admittedly I do really love being his friend. I don't really think he thinks the same about me. I'm pretty sure he hates me, but y'know, what can I do? Anyway, he flies the red lion and acts, well I think you should see for yourself. Last but not least, Coran. He doesn't fly a lion, but he's everyone's favorite person, honestly. Lotor may be there, as well, but I'm sure you already know him." I look over to my mother, and see that she has a holographic screen up over her wrist, typing all of this out.

I walk over behind her, and read over her shoulder.

Keith's friends-
Shiro: leader, black paladin. Acting weird?

Allura: blue paladin, princess. Nice, but doesn't like Galra. (Except for Lotor ;))

I interrupt her typing as I read, "What is 'except for Lotor' supposed to mean?"

"I probably shouldn't tell you this, but when she and Lotor were younger, they would sneak away from their planets and meet up. They, uh, kinda had a thing."

"Okay, how do you know all of this?"

"I used to be Lotor's best friend. I truly understood that he hated his father's ways. It doesn't surprise me that he's been working with Voltron."

"Wait, how old are you? I know Lotor is around Allura's age and I know that Allura is technically over 10,000 years old. What about you?"

"Alien age systems are different from human age systems."

"I - uh - oh." I wanted to retaliate, but I was literally speechless. She began typing again, so I read along, silently.

Pidge: short, smart, green paladin. Adorably scary. Insane???

Hunk: basically a huge sweetheart. Good cook, yellow paladin.

Lance: blue paladin, acts oddly? (I'm slightly scared) Keith loves him.

"Number one, I do not love Lance. Don't even think that. Number two, if you tell him anything I said about him, I will hate you for eternity. Number three, I can tell just from your notes that you were probably the fun parent."

"I won't say anything, I promise. But, what do you mean "probably"? Didn't you know your father?" She looked sympathetic and I hated it.

"Oh, um, no. He - uh - he couldn't handle me I-I guess, so he gave me your knife and he, uh, he just left. I'm an orphan, pretty much." Don't cry, Keith. Don't you dare cry.

"Oh, Keith. I'm-I'm sorry." She gave me the sweetest look I swear I've ever seen.

"Don't be. It's not your fault. I, uh, I've been in and out of families a ton. I eventually gave up and left. I lived alone in a shack, until I met these guys you're gonna meet." There come the tears. My God, Keith. You had one job.

I was taken by surprise when she shuffled a bit so she could hug me. I'd been hugged before, but it was never like this. This was the motherly hug I needed. This was the exact moment I realized, this is my mother. You only get one of those in life. This is my only mother, and I love her.

"Thank you, um, Mom. I-I'm glad I found you."

I could tell she was genuinely happy when I said that. Especially when I called her Mom. "As am I, Keith."

I pulled away from the hug and wiped the tears away. "Now, get back to typing! We need to hurry and meet these guys! They're my family, just like you are," I said, while laughing.

"Okay, okay."

Coran: maybe the same Coran that used to babysit me, Lotor, and Allura when we were babies? Maybe friend of king Alfor?

I confirmed her thoughts. "Yep, I'd say that's him."

She edited the notes.

Coran: The same Coran that used to babysit me, Lotor, and Allura when we were babies. Friend of King Alfor.

Lotor: Idiot.

"I agree."

She closed the screen, and stood up. "So, are we ready to go meet your friends? And your boyfriend?" She nudged me with her elbow as she added the end. Of course she would do that.

I sighed. "Yea, sure whatever. Let's go."

We walked out together, said our short goodbyes to Kolivan, and got in one of the flight pods that are used for observation. They don't have any weapons on them, so if we were to get attacked, we were basically dead. Oh well.

The control pad started beeping.
"What was that?" My mother said, slightly worried. She obviously hadn't been exposed to the Blade's 'ways' as much as I have. (The mission is more important than anything. Don't let the fear of death get in the way. If you die, so be it.)

"It was just Allura sending the coordinates, don't worry."

Next stop, the Castle of Lions. In other words, where everyone will meet my mother, who is Galra, and discover that I'm part Galra. A fact that I hadn't completely accepted myself.



Um so this chapter ended up being a lot longer than planned, so the next will be them at the Castle. ~

Edit: So, I was was re-reading this chapter and making edits and I actually really like this chapter wowie

edit again, but like a year later: lmaO i hate this chapter sfkdjsns

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