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Word count: 866

Original prompt: changing the lions up a bit I guess

~3rd person POV~
All of the paladins (+Coran, Lotor, and Krolia) arrived to the lions' hangars, standing in an unintentional half circle.

Shiro spoke up first, "Keith, get in Black. See if she responds to you."

The harsh tone took Keith by surprise, so he said nothing and did as shiro said. He climbed into the lion's jaw, and got into the paladin seat.

"Okay. Here we go again,"he thought. He took a breath, and reached forward. He placed his hands on the controls, and... nothing. Nothing happened. "Hey, I know it's hard to lose Shiro, but I'm gonna be your pilot now, okay? Work with me here," he thought. The lion did nothing.

Sighing in defeat, Keith took his hands off of the controls and stood up. He watched as everyones' faces fell when he walked out of the lion.

"Well? What happened? Why didn't it work?" Pidge asked, concerned.

"I-I don't know. I tried. It just didn't work," Keith said.

"Oh. Well, I'm sure it will be okay. Would anyone else like to try?" Allura asked with a disappointed and hopeful tone.

"I really like green, and we've already figured out that I'm too short," pidge said.

"Okay, um, Hunk?"

"I- uh, no thanks."

"I'll do it," a small voice spoke up. Lance.

"You really think you can?" Allura asked.

"Of course he can! Why wouldn't he be able to?" Keith said loudly. He felt the need to stand up for his, um, special friend.

Lance walked to the lion, whispering a "thank you, Love" into Keith's ear as he passed.
He got into the lion, doing the same thing Keith did, but this time, it worked. The control panel lit up and the lion roared loudly.

Lance got out of the lion, shocked that he, Lance, was now the black paladin. The head of Voltron.

Keith immediately ran to him and softly threw his arms around Lance's shoulders.

"I'm so proud of you. You've always wanted this. Seventh wheel, my ass," Keith mumbled into his neck.

Lance pulled away from the hug. "I guess I'm not seventh wheel, but I'll still take your ass," Lance said with a wink.

Keith rolled his eyes. He began to lean forward subconsciously, when he felt Lance meet him half way. They stood there, lip-locked, in front of everyone else, without a care in the world.

They pulled away for air, and Lance couldn't resist.

"This may be a bad time, but you wanna be my boyfriend?"

"Nah, I was just kissing you for the hell of it." Keith said, as if the answer was obvious.

Lance pouted a bit, and Keith couldn't help but notice how incredibly cute it was.

"I'm kidding, of course I do," Keith said, leaning forward and pecking Lance's lips again.

They both turned around, and realized the team was still there.

Shiro was standing over Pidge, covering her eyes, while Pidge was trying to swat his hands away, claiming that she had 'already been infected by the gay'. Hunk was almost in tears, overly happy for his best friend. Allura, Lotor, and Coran were shocked, to say the least, and then there was Krolia. She was full on sobbing.

"M-mom?" Keith was slightly concerned.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm just, phew, I'm-I'm proud. When's the wedding?"

Keith and Lance both went red at that comment, and laughed.

Everything was going to be okay.


A few hours later, it was decided that Keith would take back Red, and everything else would stay the same. Keith and Lance were in Keith's room, talking about anything they could think of.

Their hands were loosely connected and Lance was nuzzled into Keith's chest.

"But, wouldn't it be amazing to have a pig? They're so great, I want one so much!" Lance exclaimed.

"You have a point, they are quite cute, but why not have a hamster? Something easy to take care of?" Keith asked.

"That's boring, though. Unless we get a tiny one and name it Pidge because Pidge is tiny (I have a hamster named Pidge, so I wanted to include this 😂), that'd be great."

"What do you mean 'we'?"

"I figured we were talking about what pet to get when we get back to Earth and move in together."

"Woah, okay."

"I'm kidding, I haven't even thought that far ahead yet. Wait! Will our kid be half galran?!"

"Kid?! We're both guys. We can't have a kid, you idiot!"

"I know, I know, I just like making you blush. You're cute when you're flustered."

"Go to sleep, Moron."

"Hey! Don't be mean to your new official leader! And new official boyfriend!"

"What happened to the Keith and Lance that used to be rivals?"

"They grew up." Lance said, yawning.

Keith squeezed his hand to show he heard, and slowly fell asleep, with the person he loved most in his arms.


Um. Hi. So, it's been forever, I know. I was even contemplating discontinuation at one point. I obviously decided against that, though. I quite like this chapter, actually. I'm happy with it. Hope you enjoy ☄☁

-edit: okay so I'm kinda emo bc i mentioned my hamster and she's gone now [rip pidge i love u :,( ] but now i have a kitty named aksel and i love him w my whole heart so,,,

anyway, that's all, folks. ✨❤️

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