206 7 5

Word count: 929

Original prompt: I honestly don't know, I just got a random burst of creativity and decided to write

3rd person POV

To say the announcement went how Shiro expected is highly incorrect. Shiro assumed they wouldn't care. He guessed everyone would go on about their business. That is why you don't assume or guess with this team.

Everyone pulled a face that showed they were shocked. They even threw out a few, "What?!"s and "You're kidding me!"s. As Shiro looked around the room, he couldn't help but notice the utter confusion on Krolia's face or the slight wetness of Keith's eyes.

Of course Keith would be the most hurt of the group, though. He looked up to Shiro as a father or brother figure since he never had much of either. To see him 'give in' probably weighed a lot on Keith.

Allura spoke up, ending the silence, "Well, that is your choice. And I suppose it is acceptable, considering the amount of us here now. However, I do not know who will fill your place."

"Wait, what? Allura, you're letting him do this? Just allowing him to quit? That's insane," Keith said, almost letting the tears escape. But he couldn't. Not in front of the team.

"Keith, you have to understand that this is his choice. He can do whatever he pleases. We let you go when you wanted to, did we not?" Allura asks, in a surprisingly calm voice.

"W-well, yeah, but-"

Allura cut him off," Then I do not see any reason for this to be different."

"I-okay. I guess," he turns his attention to Shiro, "but are you sure about this? 100%?"

"Yes. If you'll come back to team, pilot a lion again," Shiro said, hopeful.

That definitely struck Keith by surprise. Did the team want him back? He had left without a second thought, did they even care anymore?

"Oh I uh I-okay. Yeah, yeah, I will. But, um, which lion? I can't lead again. I just can't. It took me forever to get the hang of it before. And we have a totally new mission now, with Zarkon dead. I've been gone too long." Keith said, hearing a few muffled cheers from the team, behind him.

"I obviously haven't thought that far ahead, calm down. I assume you guys had a system of doing it before while I was gone. Just do that again?"

"Yes. I suppose that will work." Allura says.

"Are we doing it now?" Another voice says, entering the not-so-private conversation.

"I don't know, Pidge. Is everyone free?" Allura asks. Everyone gives their answers in different variations of 'yes'.

"Then it's settled. Everyone meet in the hangars in about ten minutes." Shiro says.

Keith follows Lance to his room. He wants to reach out for Lance's hand, but he's not sure if he should. As soon as they are inside the room, and the door is shut, Keith is nearly suffocated with Lance's arms. Keith wraps his arms around Lance, and they stand in a rather comfortable hug.

"Are you serious about this? Staying on the team?!" Lance squeals excitedly.

"I, I mean, I guess so," Keith says unsure.

"Hey, are you okay?" Lance asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Keith, I know you. You don't have to put up an emotional barrier. Tell me what's wrong."

When Keith pulls away from the hug, and says nothing, Lance tries again, "Please? You may think I'm some inconsiderate idiot that's only here to hook up with aliens, but I do care, Keith."

"I'm scared, okay? The only thing I've learned throughout all of my training with the Blade is how to let go of people easily. That everyone dies eventually, and it doesn't matter. Now, I'm here, and I just the thought of losing any of you affects me so much, and it scares me. And to add on to that, I have to pilot a lion again. I haven't done that in forever. What if I mess it up?" Keith refused to cry in front of the team, but he was comfortable in Lance's presence. He walked to Lance's bed, and sit down, with his hands in his head, and just let it all out.

This was obviously not something that Keith did in front of people, so Lance didn't know how to react. Keith, however, did this a lot when he was alone, so he was used to having no one help him.

"Oh, uh, all I can say is if any of us were to, y'know, die," Lance cringed at the thought, "we'd all be torn up, and we'd help each other through it. And I'm sure you'll do fine with the lion. You did amazing before. Now, we have a team to catch up with, so let's go get you a lion, and save the universe, okay?"

"Easier said than done."

"Well, I know you're up to the challenge. You'll have your family by your side the whole time."

"Hm, family. I like the sound of that."

Keith stood up, dried his eyes, and opened the door, taking Lance's hand, "C'mon, Sharpshooter, we have a universe to save."

Lance smiled at him, intertwined their fingers, and they went out the door, together.


It's been forever, I know. Oops? And sorry this is so cheesy but it is a fanfiction, so it kinda has to be.

So, season 6. Wow. I'm gonna continue this fic as it was planned and I'm not gonna change anything because of the season. Just a heads up. :)

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