398 10 5

Word count 1029

Prompt:I have no plan for this chapter whatsoever, imma just go with it

Edited prompt: gay. A lotta gay.

"Lance, where are you taking me? And why are my eyes covered?"

"You'll see, just shut up. I haven't seen you in a while, you've been gone. I've missed you. We all have. It's not like I'm gonna kill you or something," he says, sincerely.

Lance missed me? Of all people, Lance missed me? Hm.

I decided not to say anything else, as I didn't really know what to say. We walked the rest of the way in silence. I still wasn't sure where we were going, because Lance just had to put this stupid blindfold on my face. Soon enough-

"Okay, were here. Take it off."

I slowly peel the blindfold off, slightly worried as to what I'm gonna see. I shouldn't really be worried, but it's Lance. Who wouldn't be? I open my eyes and see... an empty room. What?

"Lance? Why are we here?"

"Okay, I know it doesn't look like much, but..." he trailed off, walking toward the middle of the room.

He stood on a small pedestal and a control panel like Allura's rose from the floor.

"Pidge and Matt got their dad a while ago, but he had to go back to Earth to inform the Garrison of what's going on up here in space. Obviously, they missed him, so they installed this hologram thingy. It allows us to look at anywhere on Earth," he says,"I was excited to show you. I thought maybe we could find your mom with it, since you said you never met her. But y'know, I guess you found her."

"Uh, yea. But we can still look. Show me your family," I said, unsure of what I was getting into.

Sure, it's nice for Lance to see his family, but when he talks about them at all, he doesn't get a little sad. He bawls. He cries and cries, until he physically can't anymore.

"Oh, are you sure? I don't want to bore you. You did just get back."

"Yea, of course. I'd love to hear about them."

He smiled wider than I've ever seen before and began typing in a location. A hologram of a small house fit for a family popped up, along with a lot of children running around outside.

"Okay so that's my brother, Marco," he says, pointing at one of the kids.

He started telling me about different memories he had with 'Marco', smiling fondly as he said each one. Then he introduced another one of the kids.

Oh, god, I thought, This is gonna be a long night.

~time skip~

By the end of Lance's 'presentation', there were tears. A lot of them. Everytime Lance started tearing up, I wanted to rush over to him, and engulf him in a hug, just to make him feel better.

In those moments, I felt like I would do anything for Lance, and I didn't like the feeling.
I don't do this around the other paladins. Why him? It's probably just because he's upset. Yeah. Natural instinct.

My thoughts were cut off by a muddled sob, and I looked over to find Lance on his knees, crying his eyes out.

I couldn't hold back the urge anymore. I had to help him. I got up quickly and walked over to him, kneeling down to his level when I reached him. I put my arms around him in a hug, and he shuffled so he could return the gesture. He layed his head in the crook of my neck, and I had my head on top of his. I felt my shoulder getting wet with tears, but I couldn't bring myself to care. At the moment, I only cared for the boy in front of me.

"Hey, Lance, listen. It's gonna be okay. We're all gonna get home, together. You all have family back on Earth and I'm sure Coran and Allura wouldn't mind staying there. After the war, we will all remain great friends, I know it. I don't know how I know it, but I do. We all have a bond like no other, and it won't break. I promise. And when we get back home, we'll be heroes. Every single girl there is will love you. You'll be amazing. You are amazing," I said, hoping that was good enough to comfort him.

He pulled away from the hug, sniffling. "You're pretty good at this 'emotions' stuff, you should show it more."

I simply didn't know what to say so I stuck with nothing.

"I'm sorry you had to see me like this, you furry. My family is my only weak spot," he said, chuckling.

"I am not a furry," I said sternly, while standing up and offering him a hand. He took my hand, standing up, and I felt a weird tickling feeling in the pit of my stomach. What the hell was that?

I pushed the thought away, and led Lance to his room. I spotted my mother in the hallway, who winked at me. I glared at her, and she walked away, smiling. I rolled my eyes, and continued walking.

We got to Lance's room, and he opened the door. Luckily, he offered me some pyjamas so I could sleep comfortably. I went into the bathroom, and changed. When I got out, I saw Lance laying in his bed. Great, I get the floor?

I grabbed some blankets and set up a place to sleep right beside his bed.

As I was about to lie down, I felt Lance grab my arm. He said,"There's no way you're taking to hard floor, you idiot."

"But, um, you're in the bed."


He moved the blanket he was under slightly, signaling for me to lie down with him. Eh, why not?

I got into the bed, slowly. As I got closer to Lance, the weird tickling feeling came back, but it was stronger. I got under the blanket completely, only to find that there was about a foot of space between Lance and I.
There's that feeling again.
What is that? Is my mom right? Do I love Lance?


Um I got lazy toward the end of this oops. So, I'm the kind of person that can do the beginnings and ends of stories well, but the middle may be a bit rocky. Bear with me! This chapter was quite gay oops. The next chapter may come later today?


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