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Word count:1222

Prompt: Lance uncovers a huge secret + some gay

~Lance pov~

I slowly feel myself waking up, very uncomfortably. The bed is usually comfortable? I open my eyes to see that I'm definitely not in my room. I'm in the main room, on the couch? Why would I have slept here? I look down and see Keith, with his messed up mullet on my chest, my arm around him. Oh yeah. I lean over slightly, so I am a bit more comfortable and attempt to fall back asleep. It's hard, though, considering Keith is right beside me. I've had a small crush on Keith ever since I saw him at the Garrison. When he left for the Blade, I thought the feelings were gone. When he came back, with his mother, I found out the feelings were just taking a short break.

I close my eyes as I hear a door slide open.

"Lance? Lance, I know you're awake, I heard you shuffling," Pidge sighs.

"Okay, what?"

"We're going on a short mission. I was gonna come get you, but I see you're... busy." She said with a smirk

"Ugh, no, I can come I guess."

"No, no. Stay. Looks like Keith needs you more than we do."

"Wai-" I was cut off by the door sliding shut.

I heard the team talking about some place called Oriande the other day, they must be there. Oh well. I guess I'm not missing too much.

With that, I slowly fell asleep again, Keith wrapped in my arms.

~Keith pov~

I hear the sound of something metal fall, waking me up. A voice quickly calls out, "Sorry." I move my head up to find myself wrapped up in Lance's arms, my head on his chest.

I should probably get up. Actually, screw it. I love Lance, and I'm gonna make the most of these stressful feelings.

I slowly shuffle so I'm beside Lance and not leaning on him. I lean over and plant my lips against his cheek. Best I'm gonna get.

I lay my head on his shoulder, and wrap my arms around his torso.

Suddenly, I feel something press against my forehead. I look up to find Lance staring back at me.

"O-oh, um, hi," I stutter.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty~" I feel my cheeks heat up and attempt to hide my face.

"Wha-what was that?"

"You kissed me, I figured I'd return it."

"You were awake?"

"Yes, Keith, of course I was."


Well. This is awkward.

"So, where's everyone else?" I say shakily.

"One, calm down. I don't bite. Two, I believe they are just in the other room. I think we're going to Oriande. It's like an Altean legend or something. I didn't really pay attention when Lotor was talking about it. For some reason, it seems familiar, though. And I think I heard your mother in the kitchen? I didn't know she could cook?"

"I didn't either. I mean, I just met her a few days ago. She probably has no idea what she's doing, honestly," I say, as I turn my head toward the kitchen.

"I'm sure she's fine, don't worry." Lance says, trying to reassure me.

"Sorry, I worry too much."

"No, I understand, you just met her, it'd be terrible if something happened to her. I want to get to know her, as well."

"Why would you want to know her?"

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