274 11 10

Word count: 841

Original prompt: I honestly don't know, but it'll go somewhere.

Updated prompt: Keith and Lance 'bonding'?

~Keith POV~

Some people say kissing someone you love is like fireworks. You just feel like you're the only two people in the galaxy, and all of your problems disappear.

I can tell you now, that isn't true. None of it.

Don't get me wrong, kissing Lance was everything I hoped it would be and more, but we still had tears running down our faces. Our problems, worries, didn't go. And there was definitely no fireworks show.

Being an orphan that has been in and out of families (and eventually just gave up), I've never kissed anyone. Sad, I know. But it's true.

And maybe this is cliché, but I'm glad the person to steal my first kiss was Lance. Beyond glad. Ecstatic, even.

So, yes, I just kissed Lance. And I loved it.

After we pulled away from the kiss, and I opened my eyes, I couldn't stop myself from laughing. It ruined the moment, obviously, but I couldn't help it! Lance looked like he had just seen a ghost. Actually, we've traveled all over space, so I doubt seeing a mere ghost would scare Lance enough to cause him to make such a ridiculous face.

I continue laughing, until I hear a very loud, "What?"

I begin to calm down, and look up at Lance. I still had a wide smile on my face until I saw his stern, disturbed expression. I made this awkward, didn't I? My god, I shouldn't have kissed him.

"I-I uh I'm sorry! I didn't mean to, y'know. Well, I did mean to but, uh, yea. I'm sorry. We can forget about it if you want. I-"

"Keith, tell me more about you. I've known you for a while now and I barely know anything about you. Tell me." He cut me off. I look up at his face and see that the 'what the hell just happened?' look had been replaced by a wide half-smile.

"W-what? Aren't you upset? Why would you wanna know about me?"

"Listen, obviously, you just kissed me. And while I'm still internally freaking out about being Altean, there's something more important on my mind right now. Now, I don't know if to did that to shut me up, or if you actually have feelings for me, but I'm glad you did. I, um, I really do love you. And I believe you feel the same. If I'm wrong, tell me. If I'm not, I want you to tell me more about yourself, so we can make this work." He said, without pausing, while motioning to both of us. How was he so confident with things like this?

"I just am, Keith. It comes natural. There. That can be first thing I learn. You're not good at showing emotion."

Did I say that out loud?

"Everyone already knows that, though. I was always like this. Keith. The loner that doesn't feel anything. People hate me. I'm not a person that everyone automatically likes. I don't have anything special. Unlike Shiro, with his leadership skills. You, with your confidence. Pidge, with her brains. Or even Hunk, with his social skills. I'm just Keith. The outsider. You know that," I say, sadly. I didn't intentionally tell him that much. It just came out. This is why I don't like talking to people. I ramble too much.

"There's another thing. You're obviously insecure. You believe you have no self-worth. Right?"

"I-I guess so," I say looking down.

I feel Lance place his hand under my chin and lift my head up so I'm looking him in the eyes.

"Well, stop. It's not that easy, trust me, I know. But you are worth so much. You should've seen how upset we all were when you left. It was like we were all missing a piece of ourselves. Pidge and I would often talk about you, actually. She used to have nightmares. I was up one night, just... thinking. And she came into my room looking for comfort. She usually did that often. And somehow, every time, the conversation would drift to you. She got closer to Hunk, though, and went to him instead. I got lonely quite fast. Speaking of Hunk, he cleans your old paladin armour every other day. He missed you, too. And I know I did. I love you, Keith." He stares deeply into my eyes. Normally, a stare such as this would make me uncomfortable, but it was actually okay.

My eyes flickered down to Lance's lips.

"C-Can I, uh...?" I trailed off, not wanting to say my thoughts out loud.

"Please do."

I didn't need to be told twice. I immediately leaned in once again, and placed another loving kiss on his lips.

As I pulled away, I said, "I love you, too, Lance."

Little did we know, the door had somehow been open the whole time, and a certain green paladin had seen the whole thing.


Okay, so, I can't tell if things are too rushed in this story. Thoughts?

Now that I've mostly dealt with the Klance, I definitely wanna get more of the team involved. I love the whole team, not just my two special bois.

-edit: okay I'm soft @ my own story

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