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Word count:1582 (this is so long oml I'm sorry)

Original prompt: Keith and Lance talk some more, Pidge is a very good spy ;)

~Lance POV~

"Keith, please tell me more." We are now sitting on my bed beside each other. I want to grab his hand, but I decide not to, in fear of messing everything up.

"Okay, but you have to tell me about you, too." He says, as he looks up to me.

"Fine, fine. But I'll warn you know, Kogane, I'm a far from interesting person."

"Mhm. Sure. Anyway, I don't know where to start..." He trails off, saying nothing.

"Talk about anything. Your mom, your life on Earth, your adventures with the Blade. Anything."

"Uh. So I don't think I've ever told you about my childhood? I don't see why I would have, it was kinda terrible. At a very, very young age, my mom left. I never really knew her at all, honestly. Then, a few years later, my dad was gone, too. I don't know what happened. I just woke up one morning and he wasn't there. My dad wasn't a bad guy, either, from what I can remember. He treated me amazingly. He was my best friend. He would never tell me anything about my mom, though. I never understood why. Of course, I get it now. My dad reminds me of you, in a way. He wasn't very tough, but he acted like it. He was a 'ladies man', I guess. I mean, you have to be pretty desperate to have to end up being with an alien, y'know? Anyway, I never knew and I still don't know where my dad went, or if he's still alive. I went to an orphanage. That was the biggest mistake of my life. One day, I would be adopted, and the next week, I'd be back in the orphanage, like I was garbage. I met so many people, and none of those people wanted me. Eventually, I gave up. I ran away, lived in the desert, and took care of myself. I got into the Garrison, somehow. I got kicked out, then a certain ship landed near me. I went to go get shiro, and that was when I met this weird dude, who claimed to be my rival? The rest is history."

"Oh. Oh wow. How did you endure all of that as a kid? I can't even imagine..."

"It definitely has had a negative outcome. Both of my parents left, and because of that I have trust issues."



We sit in an awkward silence for a bit, then I ask a question that's been haunting my mind.

"So, are-are you gonna go back? To the Blade?" I ask, trying not to tear up. I get that Keith is his own person, but I don't wanna lose him again.

"I-I don't know. I went originally to find out more about where I come from, and I've discovered more than I ever thought I would. I found, all in the span of a week, that I am Galra, my mom is alive and well, and you, of all people, are Altean. That's a lot to take in. I think I'll take a break, at the least," he says, slightly unsure. Not gonna lie, I'm content with that. I'll have Keith to myself for a bit, at least.

Suddenly, we hear Allura's voice over the speakers.

"Everyone, to the main room. No emergency, Pidge claims she has something important for all of us."

Keith stands, holding his hand out.

"Hm. Well, let's go?" I take his hand and stand up beside him. With that, we walk out of the room, hand in hand.

~Pidge POV~

I was walking through the halls, when I heard talking from Lance's room. Being the person I am, I had to eavesdrop. I listened for a bit, getting kinda upset with Lance's words. Why would we hate him? Suddenly the talking stops, and I peek around the corner to see what is happening. What I see is not what I expected. OkaY, wOAh. Keith and Lance are locked, in what looks like a passionate kiss. I quickly take out my 'phone' taking all of the pictures and videos I can. When I am satisfied with myself, I walk away. I'm sure everyone would love to see this.

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