446 12 23

Word count: 1625

Prompt: Now, Krolia meets the team, and maybe catches up a bit with Lotor and Allura?

As we got closer to the coordinates that Allura sent, I started getting more nervous.
What if they hate me?
What will Allura and Coran think? I am part of the race that wiped out their species.
What about Hunk, Pidge, and Shiro?
What if they kick me off the team?
What if?
What if?
What if?

"Mom, can you take over for a bit? I think I'm gonna be sick," I call out to my mother, who is resting in the back of the pod.

I hear her stand and walk to me. I'm getting dizzy from all the over thinking.

"Oh, of course. Go get some of the blankets that are there in case of emergency and lie down."

"But those are for emergency only. Kolivan will kill me," I say, looking at her as if she's insane.

"Not if I have anything to do with it. My son is feeling sick. It is an emergency. Now, go get the blankets and lie down before you vomit everywhere."

"Okay, okay." I switch spots with my mother and start towards the back of the pod.

I find the blankets she was talking about and, lie down. I hope my mind can rest a bit.

~Krolia's pov~

As Keith walks away, I sit down and look at the coordinates. As I'm piloting, I can't help but be excited. Allura doesn't like Galra, so what? That's 100% understandable. Keith needs to lighten up. I love that kid, but gosh.

I begin to think of all the ways I could tease Keith about Lance. That what mothers are for, right?

~time skip~

After flying for a bit longer, I see the giant castle in the distance. I send Allura a message saying that I have arrived and to open the hangar.

I wonder if she knows she's about to see me again? I barely remember her from childhood. Her, Lotor, and I were really close as babies (some alien species remember everything from their birth to their death), but we grew apart because of the, um, incidents (aka the Galrans and Alteans starting an all out war). As we grew, Lotor was always brave enough to set up meetings with her and see her, quite often, but I was always too scared to disobey the Galran empire. Lotor was very fond of her, though.

Lotor may get to see me, as well. We were best friends for the longest time, until I started going on missions and we drifted apart. When I crash landed on Earth, is when I met Keith's father, and forgot about Lotor completely. Lotor and I always had plans of escaping the empire together. He probably thought I left him. I'm suddenly not to eager to see him.

Before I know it, I am settled in the castle's hangar and going to get Keith. Aaaaand he's asleep. Great. Welp, that's his fault. I'll let his friends wake him.

I exit the pod only to see 7 people standing there, 3 of which I vaguely recognize. I thought Keith said there would be only 6? Then I realize they are here to see Keith, not me. Oops.

"Um, hello. I am Krolia. Keith's, um, Keith's friend from the Blade. He invited me to come along with him to meet you guys. I understand you may be confused as to why he brought me here, but there is good reason. I think I should let him explain, though," I say, hoping that was a decent introduction for them.

"Where is Keith?" The one in yellow armor said. That must be Hunk.

"Oh, I was going to grab him and I saw that he was asleep. I figured I would introduce myself before I let you guys wake him."

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