366 9 8

Word count: 873 (a bit shorter than the others, sorry)

Prompt: I have a headcannon for Pidge and Krolia. You'll see. And more gay oops. Also a teeny bit of clone shiro. Enjoy.

It was weird. The strange feeling that took over Keith's body. A mixture if butterflies and a general sick feeling. And it all started when Keith hugged Lance the night before. Ever since then, Keith couldn't get that boy out of his head. When you look past the flirty attitude and 'loverboy' persona, you see icy (stream icy by itzy 🤪) blue eyes, and a caring heart. Keith was falling for Lance. And fast, it seemed.

To say the least, Keith hadn't gotten an amazing night's sleep. His head was spinning. "How can I, Keith, love him, Lance? How can I even love a 'him'? I'm not gay. I've always been straight. Granted, I haven't had much interaction with females or males, so maybe I am gay? No, shut up, Mind. I. Am. Not. Gay." His head seemed to scream at him all night.
Not to mention, the person Keith apparently 'loved' had fallen asleep beside him, and in his sleep, he had managed to turn over and wrap his arms around Keith. This, obviously, was not what Keith expected, and so he stiffened, causing Lance to turn over again, his arms leaving Keith's body.
But, damn, did Keith miss his warmth.

Eventually, Keith fell asleep with the thought, "Wow, I love Lance McClain. Didn't see that coming."

~time skip~

Keith woke up to someone shaking him violently. He opened his eyes to see Lance standing above him, trying to wake him up. Spoiler alert: he succeeded.

Keith sat up and heard Lance cackling. Not just laughing. Cackling. Like an actual witch.

"Keith. Oh my god, K-Keith," Lance began, panting with laughter, "your hair."

Keith stood up rather quickly, and went to Lance's bathroom, to see that, yes, his mullet was going every which way.

He fixed it slightly, and looked over to see Lance standing in the doorway, smirking. He shut the door in his face (receiving a loud, "RUDE!"), so he could change.

Keith stepped out of the bathroom, and Lance was gone. Nowhere in his room. He must of went for breakfast, he thought.

He stepped out of the room, and made his way to the dining table, where there was an empty seat with a plate of whatever Hunk cooked in front of it. Conveniently, it was right next to Lance.

As he went to sit down, he spots his mom talking with Pidge across the table.

-Keith's pov-

"Keith," my mother says when she sees me.

"Yes, Mom?"

"Pidge has informed me of a lot. Let's look at some me-mes and laugh together!"

"Oh my god no." I hear Lance chuckle beside me.

"Please?! We can have bonding moments! I can cradle you in my arms!"

I snap my head up towards her. Did she actually just...?

Pidge snorts loudly, Lance literally chokes as he's eating, and even Hunk is smiling a bit.

"Keith, I love your mom," Lance says more to everyone than to me.

"So you do remember?" I say smugly.

His face reddens as he looks down. He says nothing and continues eating.

I smirk. Hm. I win.

~time skip~

After breakfast, we all go to the lounge, where we just sit around and talk.

Lance sits beside me, and I see Shiro randomly dart out of the room, saying nothing.

I turn to Lance, "Have you noticed Shiro acting weird lately?"

"Yea, of course. I think everyone has, really. No one has mentioned it, though. I'd say it's just stress. He does basically have four kids. And he is in the middle of a war."

"Are you sure...?"

"Yeah. Think about it. If you were taken by a race of aliens that was trying to enslave and take over the entire universe twice, wouldn't you be shaken up?"

"Yeah, yeah, I guess."

"What's wrong?"

"I am that race of alien."

"True, but you're also still Keith. The hot-headed idiot we all love."

I scoot closer to him, and lay my head on his shoulder.

"Tired?" He asks.

"A bit. I didn't get much sleep."

"Oh. Sorry for forcing you to sleep with me. Wait, no. That sounds really wrong. Let me rewind. Sorry for making you--"

I cut him off by grabbing his hand (which took him by surprise, obviously) and putting his arm around my shoulders. I snuggle into his side.

"Lance. It's fine. Just let me sleep."

"Okay, okay. You're lucky everyone left the room. They'd think we were like together or something."

"And that would be a problem?"

"Well, um, no, wait yes, but also not really. I-i uh."

"Lance, shh."

"Oh uh sorry. Sleep well, darling."

Andddd... cue the butterflies.

Keith fell asleep, the thought of Lance calling him "darling" playing over and over in his head.

~Krolia's pov~

I've taken a liking to Pidge, so when she said she was going to sneak pictures of two of the other paladins, of course I followed. What I saw wasn't exactly a surprise. Lance and Keith, asleep, cuddling on the couch.

"Wow that's gay."

Honestly, you should've seen it coming, Pidge.

Pffft, I love this chapter. And Pidge and Krolia im--

Next chapter soon!

-edit: hi im so sorry to anyone that read this in the past and got triggered, or upset by it. I edited out, but i genuinely can't believe I never saw the problem in making a r*pe joke as I was writing this. Granted, I was probably only 12 or 13 at the time, but I still should have known better. Again, I apologize to anyone that took it the wrong way. <3

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