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Sorry this isn't a chapter, but I just quickly wanted to say thank you for all of the support. This is the first story I've written, and the amount of support is amazing. I've written stories in the past, but they made me cringe so much, I eventually deleted them. There have been a few times when I've thought about discontinuing or deleting this story, but, considering I actually have readers, I've decided not to.

Also, sorry the chapters are so spaced out. Basically, when I go a while without actually watching Voltron, I lose interest and don't feel motivation to write. That's just how I am. If I go so long without doing something, I begin to lose interest, and when I do that thing again, I realize how great it is. Anyway, with season 6 just coming out, I've had a random burst of creativity so ye.

Speaking of season 6, can I talk about how much that season hurt? First off, they threw all of Lance's character development out the window bc they wanted a sappy love story between him and allura. Then there was the episode with Shiro and Keith (you know the one) and that hurt my heart so much. I could rant forever, tbh.

Okay, but thank you for 500+ reads, it really does mean a lot ☄☁💞

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