Confidence-Goku Black

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You winced as you heard footsteps creaking up the hallway of the old wooden cabin. For 3 months now, you had been locked away in Black and Zamasu's cabin. You felt worthless, knowing that all of your close friends were dying off by the hands of your kidnapper and his apprentice. Your parents had always told you that you were a failure. In fact, their last words spoken to you were in a sort that was reinstating the fact. Although you couldn't remember their exact words, you still remember the sting of them that took place in your heart, after the realization that they were right had set in. And now that stinging pain was eating away at you again as you became lost in your thoughts. Trunks, Mai, the young and the old of the city,  they were all depending on you, and here you were, caged away, your fate in the hands of an insane killer.

The footsteps stopped in front of the door. You heard some fumbling with the lock and then the door flew open, Goku Black inviting himself in. He smirked at the sight of you bound to the chair. You wanted to cry, to scream, to try to escape or to fight back. But alas, your body had grown weak from being bound against your will for so long, not to mention the serial killers did not know how to feed you a proper diet, that, or they just didn't care.
"Well, I see you're not going to resist my demands anymore. That's no fun."
He put on a playful frown as he untied you and handed you a piece of bread and a glass of water. You ate in silence as Black watched you from the front of the room. He noticed something was off about you, which was odd for him. He wasn't supposed to care.
"Y/N, you seem so quiet. Perhaps you feel defeated? Are you ready to give up and accept your fate, as all the others of your filthy race have done?"
You didn't answer him. Instead, you gazed off into the distance, out the small window in the room, longing for a chance to feel the Sun again. For everything to be back to normal and peaceful. For the world not to be taken over by a bunch of heartless dictators-.
Your thoughts were interrupted by a harsh slap to the face. You yelped and jumped back in the chair, balling your weak fists up out of instinct.
"You answer me when I approach you."
Black glared at you. You felt your lip start to quiver, and all you could get out was the word "failure."
Black's eyes widened questioningly. It was almost as if he was concerned.
"What was that"
"I-I'm just a fucking failure." You spat out, tears streaming down your face. You tried not to cry in front of Black too much, but this time you just couldn't help it. You even went as far as to vent about your parents' harsh comments and how you just wished he'd end your suffering already. By the time you were finished, Black's eyes were as if he had seen a ghost...or..Gowasu naked. You honestly started to get concerned. You slowly waved your hand in front of him.
"H-hey? You o-oka-."
You were cut off by him grabbing your wrist. You thought that this was surely the end of you. You closed your eyes and braved yourself.

After a few minutes of waiting, you felt your hand drop. You slowly opened your eyes and Black was just staring at you, eye to eye, as if he did not know what to say. Finally he spoke.
"Y/'re far from a failure. Your parents were ignorant to think such an amazing creation was destined to be a failure."
He looked down at the floor, nervously bobbing his knee up and down. You just sat there for a second, in awe of the psychopath's comment.
"Black, do you really mean that."
He looked up at you, and then chuckled.
"Of course y/n...otherwise you'd be dead right now, like all the other ningens."
You chuckled along with him. He stood up and held out a hand, helping you to your feet. All of a sudden his arms wrapped around you in an embrace. You hesitated at first, but then gave in to the urge of affection. You looked up at him and he planted a light kiss on your forehead, giving you a sincere smile.
"Y/N, I may be a psychopath in your eyes, but this feeling of fondness that I have acquired for you is indeed real."
He left it at that, and you know that was his way of admitting his crush on you. You smiled into his embrace. Although it didn't seem right, you wouldn't wanna be anywhere else, as the killer's embrace was the warmest, boldest feeling you had ever experienced.

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