Break Up (Reader x Vegeta x Goku) Part 3

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Four months have passed and you and Vegeta were barely on speaking terms. You were more forgiving of Goku, but that's because he was your best friend. It's not that you hated or even blamed Vegeta, you knew something was up. It was as if something or someone was controlling them. Meanwhile, both Vegeta and Goku had quit going to Beerus' Planet, and had performed horrible in the fight against Universe 6. This angered Beerus, so of course something had to be done.

"Damn it Whis, we cant lose our two strongest fighters. Do something!"

Whis rolled his eyes.

"Beerus-sama, maybe if you weren't so demanding I could have fixed it already."

Whis then presented a tube of glowing green liquid.

"This is the antidote. All we have to do is inject them with this and then they should be all normal. It is crafted out of the holy water at Dende's place, as well as a few secret ingredients."

Beerus sighed a sigh of relief.

"Alright, lets go find these two idiots. And when they get back to theirselves let's train them until they're begging for mercy."

"Wait Beerus-sama, did Vegeta-san have a girlfriend?"

"Yeah, I think, I don't know, why?"

Whis pulled up a holographic image of you with his staff. You, of course, were in your lonely house, mourning, unsure of what to do.

"Ah, now I remember. Y/N. We must go contact Y/N, you know Y/N has to be worried by now. And also, if Vegeta-san isn't full focused he will not perform well, just like last time."

Beerus rolled his eyes and grumbled.

"Yeah, whatever, just fix them."

~Time Skip~

Whis appeared at your house, startling you at first. Of course, you two had met before, but for him just to appear out of nowhere with Vegeta not around was odd. Who's explained what had happened to Goku and Vegeta. As you came to the realization that your theory was correct, immediate guilt filled your body. You knew that wasn't Vegeta, or Goku. Whis showed you his antidote and asked for your assistance on turning them back to normal, well, as normal as Goku could get. You of course agreed to the assignment and you two headed off to find the pair.

You found Goku in the field. Chichi has put him to work again, except this time he didn't mind it as much. He didn't want Chichi to find out about what happened between him and Vegeta, and was surprised Bulma didn't tell her.

You snuck up behind the tall Saiyan and wrapped one arm around his neck, pulling him to your height.

"Hey Goku!"

You smirked, positioning the needle at his neck. You knew Goku was afraid of needles, so you tried your best to distract him.

"Oh hey, Y/N! What-"

You cut him off by injecting the needle. Goku screeched in pain and then fell over, unconscious. You looked at Whis in concern and he chuckled.

"Don't worry, he will wake up in an hour or so."

You then headed over to Dende's place where Vegeta was training. Dende noted that he had been there for months, and that they're tired of him destroying everything. You swooped up behind Vegeta, gave him a peck on the cheek and injected the serum. With that, Vegeta passed out and fell over.

Before Whis returned to Beerus' Planet, he assured you everything would return to normal soon.

~Time Skip To Evening~

You heard a knock at your door. You opened it and there was Vegeta, standing with his head down. He remained silent for a few minutes. He then rose his head and placed his fingers under your chin to meet his gaze.

"Y/N, I'm sorry. I had no idea I was being controlled. T-Thank you, for waiting. And forgiving me for...I don't wanna talk about it."

A small smile spread across your face. You had Vegeta back. You ran into his arms and he held you close. You two shared a bundle of kisses before you invited him inside for dinner. On your way to the kitchen, you received a phone call. You answered it only to hear the voice of your idiot friend Goku on the other line, bragging about how he and Chichi finally kissed.

After dinner you and Vegeta headed to bed. He was still a little sleepy from the serum. He wrapped his arms around you and buried his face in your shoulder. You smiled as you drifted off to sleep. Everything was normal again, you had Vegeta back.

(A/N: I know I promised this in like April but better late than never right?)

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