Break Up-Vegeta (Reader x Vegeta x Goku) (Part 1?)

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Your boyfriend was almost never home. He was always off training for months at a time with his "friend" Goku. When he did return home, it seemed he was almost always in a hurry to leave again, leaving you to play babysitter 24/7. Don't get me wrong, you loved Trunks and Bulla, but you weren't ready to be a full time mother, and it was being forced upon you. Sometimes, despite Vegeta's wishes, you would drive them over to Bulma's house over at Capsule Corp. You didn't know what Vegeta had against her, besides the fact that they were divorced, but they were Bulma's kids and plus Bulma was an amazing friend to you, despite you dating her ex husband. Bulma warned you of Vegeta's ways, but you just wouldn't listen.

"So y/n, how's you and Vegeta?"
Bulma asked, sipping a cup of tea.
You glanced over at Trunks playing with Bulla, and then back up at Bulma.
You sigh. "He hasn't been home in months."
You expect her to say "that's normal," "I told you so," or something degrading the Saiyan race, but instead a look of confusion crosses her face.
"Y/N..." she says softly.
"He's in his training room with Goku right now. They've been going there everyday for at least 2 weeks now."
A feeling of anger crossed you. You jolted up, almost spilling your cup of tea, and bolted to the training room, Bulma following close behind, trying to soothe you, but to no avail. You weren't listening to her. You were about to give Vegeta a mouth full. You slung open the door of the training room and your body froze.
It took a moment to register what you had just saw. Vegeta had Goku, the idiot, your best friend, the guy he envies, pushed into a wall, aggressively making out with him. They were both topless. It would've probably went further if it wasn't for Vegeta glancing back and freezing.
"Y/N..." he whispers.
You stand there for a second, and then bolt off, tears filling your eyes and regret pressing on your chest.
"Y/N, it's not what it looks li-"
Vegeta was cut off by Bulma smacking him and giving him a mouth full as Goku pulled his top back on. Goku decided to catch up with you, which wasn't hard for him.
You had made it to the park before giving out. Your body collapsed under the nearest tree, yet you still mustered the energy to cry. You couldn't believe it, your boyfriend and your best friend had been fucking this whole time, such betrayal. You felt a hand on your shoulder. You looked over and it was Goku.
"I-I'm sorry, y/n. I-I don't know why I did it, why he did it, I-I don't know anything anymore." Goku began to tear up. You didn't know exactly what he meant by that last part, but you ignored him, putting your head on your knees and wrapping your arms around them.

~Meanwhile on Beerus' Planet~
"Whis, this isn't good." Beerus balled up his fists in distress. "That fatass has weakened two of our strongest fighters, right before the competition too."
"Oh." Whis rubbed his chin. "Isn't that a form of cheating?"
"Champa is nothing but a cheater! But he always gets out of it!" Beerus growls, falling back onto his chair.
"Ugh, we're hopeless now."

(Okay this took me like a week to write, yay for procrastination!! :) Anyways I think this deserves a part 2, but I need you guys' opinions please. Also requests are open btw. :))

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