Surprise-Yamcha x Reader

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You and Yamcha had been seeing each other for about a year now. Despite his flirtatious attitude, you loved the idiot. You two met at a baseball game. From then on you two were inseparable. Your friend, Bulma, had also dated Yamcha, and she warned you about his inability to stay loyal. So far though, he has kept his flirtatious comments solely on you. After you caught him staring at another girl for the first time, and had smacked his brains out, he'd realized that he needs to do better, and has been sticking to it.

Today you had some rather exciting news to tell Yamcha. You and him had got a little carried away a few months ago..and let's just say that there's gonna be a little Yamcha running around in about 7 months. You smiled at the thought.

You approached his small apartment rather nervously. Although you were excited, you didn't know if he would have the same reaction. What if Bulma was right? What if Yamcha was a player, and you just didn't know it? You sighed and knocked on the door, your body trembling at the hands of your conscious. All of a sudden the door swung open and Puar popped out, smiling.

"Hey Y/N!! Yamcha is in the shower! You can come in if you like!"

You smiled and followed Puar inside. You then headed towards the bathroom and peeked in the door. Yamcha was drying himself off with a towel. You admired his slim chest and muscular arms. Your eyes started to trail elsewhere, but all of a sudden you let out a nervous giggle, giving you away. Yamcha threw the towel around him and busted through the door, wrapping you in a warm, wet hug.


He chuckled. He picked you up and carried you to the bedroom, sitting you on the bed. He then began to get dressed.

"Didn't expect to see you here so early."

You giggled and your face reddened. The trembling returned in your left knee. You bit your lip and sighed.

"Yeah, about that...I have some news for you Yamcha."

He continued to dress, his back toward you. You could feel his warm smile despite him being the other way.

"Oh really? What is it love?"

Your heart was racing. You blurted out your words so loud that Master Roshi could probably hear them from his island.


He froze for a minute, and then turned to face you.


He seemed unsure. You began to get nervous, but all that was stopped when he ran to you and engulfed you in a hug.

"Oh my Kami, I'm gonna be a dad!! Just like Goku, and Vegeta, oh my Kami, Y/N, I'm so happy!! I love you!"

You giggled and buried your face into his shoulder. Yamcha vowed to you that day to be the best father ever, and to also be the best husband ever. Little did you know, he already had the ring and was waiting for the right time to propose.

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