Timeline-Android 17 x Android! Reader

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You were one of the three delinquents to get captured by Gero. The other two were your best friends, now known as 17 and 18. Despite being forcefully programmed into an Android, you three kept your human free will and despised the old geezer. After 17 and 18 were released to take on the Z Fighters, they stole Gero's emergency remote and destroyed him. After that, you were activated, and your trio mercilessly took on the Z Fighters. Well, you say mercilessly, but it was apparent that 18 had some mercy on the little bald monk. You gave her a wink after she gave the short man a kiss, making her blush a crimson red.

That man ended up becoming your best friend's husband, and the father of their child.

You were all gathered at Krillin and 18's house to celebrate Marron's birthday. It was crazy to think that the people you were once forced enemies with were now some of your closest friends. You turned around to see your old pal 17, who had since took over a remote island as a ranger to protect the animals. You smiled softly and hugged him. You turned around only to see 18 winking at you.

Truth be told, you had always had the hots for her brother, and she knew that, but you were too shy to admit it. You shook the feeling of butterflies off and walked over to the table to sing happy birthday to Marron and watch her open her gifts. 17 stayed close to you throughout the party, but you didn't think anything of it. After all, you two went way back.

You were enjoying the party, and most of all, the presence of 17. After a few hours, everyone started to file out. Chichi and Bulma hugged you and said their goodbyes. You smiled and hugged 18, promising to visit again soon. You picked Marron up and gave her a kiss on the cheek, making her giggle. As you were leaving, you felt a hand land on your shoulder.

You instinctively turned around and relaxed after seeing it was just 17.

"Oh, hey 17. What's up?"

You smiled.

He chuckled.

"I haven't seen you in forever, Y/N, care to come to my island and catch up?"

You couldn't believe this was happening. Your heart pounded as you held back your excitement. You smiled softly and nodded, trying to keep your cool.

"Yeah sure, sounds fun!"

With that, you two headed to his island.

You finally arrived and he showed you around. The place was beautiful and filled with tons of exotic creatures. He explained how he now used his power for good in fighting those who came to harm the animals. He finally built a fire and you two sat in silence for a while, enjoying the crackling of the flames." 17 finally broke the silence.

"Hey Y/N?"

You looked up at him.

"Yes, 17?"

"Listen, this will probably sound crazy, but, I like you. And I always have. I'm just bad at showing emotions. So, would you maybe want to come live here with me and..you know?"

Despite his calm voice, your stomach bounced with butterflies as a smile broke across your face.

"Yes, 17, I've only been waiting years for you to ask that, you know!"

You both chuckled as he scooted closer to you. He offered you his hand, and you took it. He smiled softly down at you, wrapping his arm around you.
"Better late than never, I guess."

Time Skip!

You and 17 now had a beautiful family of 3 children, two of which you adopted. He promised to take you all on a cruise one day. He was truly the best father and husband anyone could ask for. It still felt like a dream in your eyes. In a way, you thanked Gero for kidnapping you three and turning you all into Androids, as it only made you and 17 closer in the end.

(Request by shadowthegreat3 :) I hope you enjoyed, sorry it took so long I literally rewrote this 3 times because of my indecisiveness rip :3)

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