Chapter 19

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"Wait, what?", I said following her back into the apartment.

"Your friend tried to rape me again Kendall!", she said almost in tears. I looked at her in shock. Yet I just stood there, unsure of what to do.

"Dy! Wait, I'm sorry!", I heard from around the corner. My hand quickly went to Dy's as she took a quick grip to it.

"I'm going to kill him", I sad as James turned the corner.

"Dy! I am so...... what are you doing here?", James said looking at me.

"I'm here to protect my girlfriend", I said as I heard a scoff from Dy. I knew she bated looking weak.

"James, please. Just leave me alone. Come on Kendall", she said pulling me across the hall into her own apartment. As she closed the door behind us, she took a deep breath. She turned to look at me.

"I knew you were gonna swing at him. Just..... let it go Kendall",she said trying not to look at her thrashed apartment.

"But...", I started.

"But nothing. I am not letting you two ruin your friendship. Especially if it's over me", she said.

"Fine, but if he takes the first swing.... it's go time", I said as she sighed. I could see that she didn't want to fight.

"You wanna help me clean up?", she said motioning to the apartment.

"Why", I said.

"Because I am not staying in the same place as James. I now know that I can not trust him. I'm going to start staying here again", age said sounding a little depressed.

"Are you sure Dy?", I said now really concerned.

"Yes I am positive. But I could ask one thing", she said as I could see where she was going.

"Yes, I'll be fine staying here with you", I said. Her eyes got wide like she forgot that detail or something.

"Okay, two things then", she said trying not to look at the wall.

"Oh, okay. Do you want me to save any?", I asked as she nodded.

"One. The one of him and I in front of the apple tree. But please hurry", she said as her voice cracked. I hurried over to the wall and ripped all the pictures down rather quickly. Expect the one. Dy looked about thirteen. She was holding a small German shepard; Taco. I turned to Dy, after of course throwing all the pictures in the trash.

"Why Taco?"! I asked as she looked at me.

"What?", she asked now sounding really confused.

"Why did you name his Taco?", I said explaining me question.

"Oh, um it's really funny actually", she started," for some reason, I thought he looked like a taco." I stood there pondering her response. I looked at the picture of him as a puppy.

"But he's black", I said as she looked down. I handed her the picture.

"I think it would be better if we stopped talking ahoy this Kendall. I'll talk when I'm ready", she said looking down. I nodded and took her hand.

"Let's go get yo......our stuff", I said as she nodded.

"I love you", she said as a faint smile came to her face.

"I love you too", I said grabbing my set of keys.

I closed the door behind us as we both saw James. He was just sitting there. It seemed as if he was waiting for us. As soon as he saw Dy, he stood up and let hus mouth run.

"Dy, I am so sorry. You don't understand how sorry I am. I would never want to hurt you. I don't even understand why I did that. I don't want you hurt. I'll protect you. Please Dy, Just please", he said looking strait at her. She quickly looked away while sqeezing my hand, telling me not to interfere. I wanted to, so bad. But I knew I had to listen to Dy.

"I don't think I can James", she said with a smooth, calm voice.

"Why not?", he said letting his eyes go wide.

"I just can't trust you anymore James. I mean, this wwas your second chance. You blew it. I was really thinking about getting to know you better for wwho you truly are. But, you....... I don't think I'll ever trust you now. And we have to be somewhere. Come on Kendall", she said pushing past James. With our hands interlocked, I was pulled along behind.

"You haven't won yet you bastard", James whispered in my ear as I was pulled by. Did he think Dy's heart was a game or something?

I quickly opened the door to my apartment. My mom stood there, her eyes focused on us.

"What happened out there?", she asked receding to Dy and James's 'discussion'

"I can be honest Mrs. Knight. It was nothing", Dy said," um, do you think if it would be okay if maybe Kendall stayed in my apartment with me? For some reason I feel safer over there." My mom looked at her with question, then shrugged.

"That is perfectly fine. But...", she started looking stair at Kendall,"I swear Kendall Donald Knight. If anything happens between you two...."

"Nothing will happen mom. Dy's too much of a goody-goody", I said tying to make a lttle joke. Dy turned to me and back handed me in the stomach.

"A goody-goody eh?", she said raiding an eyebrow. My mom laughed.

"Okay you two, break it up. Go on now, I got stuff to do", my mom said as we went to my room.

Dy had never unpacked so she snatched that up as I brought my bag down from the top of my closet. I quickly threw some shorts, jeans, my vans, a couple of t-shirts, and a beanie. Beanies are cool.

"You do realise that you live right across the hall, not across the country? You can come back to get something if you need it", Dy said as I continued trying to jam everything into my bag.

"Yeah I know, it's just...... I don't wanna leave your side too often", I said putting a cheezy, flirtatious smile on my face. Dy laughed.

"Come on Kendork. Let's get out of here before questions are asked", she said as I zipped up my bag. I nodded and held my arm out for her to take.

"Shall we go my lady?", I said as she took it.

"We shall", she said smiling the biggest I have seen her smile in the last month.

Ad er leaving the apartment, we saw Logan and Carlos turn the corner with Alex and Zeya. They were laughing and having a good time. Zeya saw us and waved.

"Hey guys! We are going to the pier in a little while. Wanna come?", she said giving us an encouraging smile. I looked at Dy as she shrugged.

"Um, sure. Just let us put our stuff down", I said opening the door to Dy's apartment. She went in and smiled at me yet again.

"Hopefully tonight may not lead to .... never mind, I don't want to ruin the mood. Come on!", she said as we threw our stuff on the bed. Hopefully..... if only I knew what that meant.


Hey guys? So what did you guys think of the little fight in the beginning?

(Will u guys help me figure out what dy was going to say? If u get it right im sure ill get Eva to dedicate the next chapter to you)

Really Kendall....... fine... if you figure out what Dy was going to say... I'll dedicate the next chapter to you.

(Thank you Eva. I'll see you guys next chapter)

So now I can actually talk. Thank you. So what to you think of it so far? I am going to post this... then no more posts at all until I get a total of 35 comments on this story... I need some feedback okay! And I will post on my other stories as well.

Okay I'll catch you guys next chapter! Bi!

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