Chapter 23

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Justin and I hurried to the location of the screaming. It was a tilt-a-whirl. Who gets scared on a tilt-a-whirl? I usually laugh the whole time. Yes, I'm not normal, but he was screaming his head off like a baby! Such a wimp. Kendall and my four friends wobbled out moments later.

"Hey Kendork!", I yelled as they all turned to me,"you haven't puked yet?" He ran to me and wrapped me in his arms.

"Nope, I'm saving it for you", he said gingerly letting our lips touch.

"Kendall I swear, if you puke on her..... she will kill you!", Alex said pulling Logan along with her. I pulled away from Kendall and looked at him.

"You better start running", I said tteasingly. Kendall pouted.

"But I didn't even puke on you yet!", he said as I laughed,"what?"

"You used the word 'yet'. So you are planning to! Okay then come on", I said pulling him to the zipper.

"Dy, no", he said as I could hear his screaming in the back of my mind.

"Fine then, come on Justin", I said letting go of Kendall. I grabbed Justin and pulled him away from the group, towards the line.

"Ugh, fine. I'll do it. But before I die, I want you to know that I love you Dilan", he said pushing Justin out of the line. Kendall kissed my quickly,"I am going to die." I wrapped our fingers together.

"I love you too", I said as the line moved forwards.

*Kendall's POV*

I just set my death. This is a murder machine! For sure I did not want to do it. Yeah, I love roller coasters and the rides at Disney or amusement parks. But this is the pier, with fair rides! The ones that creek like they're about to break even before the ride starts! The ones that seem to get washed only like twice a year. The ones that..... you never know where they have been and WHO have been on them! Just last week two baked carnies could have been doing it in a cage! I just.... really don't like them.

"This is going to be amazing!", Dy said as she gripped my hand a bit tighter.

"Are you sure that you want to do this?", I asked again as she nodded. She looked back at Carlos, Zeya, Logan, and Alex.

"They're going too Kendall. You won't be the only wuss on the ride", Dy said laughing at her joke. I just squeezed her hand a little bit more and let out a fake laugh.

"Yeah, you got me good. Nice joke baby", I said turning to face her. The line to the death trap had stopped so I quickly let my lips touch hers. As I pulled away, her lips formed a small smile.

"I loved you", she said lightly, not letting anyone hear her. I tilted her head up and looked her strait in the eyes.

"I love you too", I said so quietly that I don't even know if she could hear me at all. I figured out she did when a small grin turned into a smile across her face.

"You guys! We'll be in the next ride!", Carlos said ruining our moment. I looked st the death trap again and gulped.

The ride stared to slow, showing the people before us were about to get off.

"This is so exciting!", Dy said sounding like a little girl. I never realised how much people enjoy these things. Yes, Dy was a little dare devil. But, these things are just torture!

Finally, after seeing several people puke, the last two people got off. There were two couples in front of us. The first got in a blue cage, the next yellow. I looked ahead to see that Dy and I were going to be in a green one. Carlos and Zeya were going to get pink. Then Logan and Alex were going to get blue, starting the color rotation over again. The second couple got in their cage as the mechanic rotated the ride to the open green cage. Again, I gulped. The man opened the door for us to step in.

"Thank you", Dy said to the man as I helped her in. I nodded to the dude. I was to scared to speak.

"Have fun you two", he said closing and locking the door to the cage. I looked at Dy. She had a beautiful, genuine smile on her face. I locked our fingers together after we both finished fastening our safety belts.

"Before we die...", I started as she looked at me," I love you." She shook her head.

"We are not going to die", she said,"and I love you too." I connected our lips as we heard cage after cage shut. I felt a smile form on Dy's lips as we continued kissing. I heard a screech from the machine as Dy bit my lip a little. She quickly pulled away, looking out over the sea.

"Shit", I said as we started rotating. I am going to die.


Hey guys, just me for this chapter. Kendall is to scread to talk I guess.

Anyways... 2000 read! WOOOOO HOOOOO. YEAH BUDDY! BUYA!

Thank you guys so much for supporting this story. I almost have the most reads out of all my friends on wattpad! But I do still need more.

But anyways I am going to tam a break from posting.. I need to write a lot more.. ill keep you guys updated. But it's going to be a while. So anyways..... yeah ill send a message out when im getting ready to post... so I'll see u guys later! Tell your friends please!

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