Ch. 5 I'm Done with His Games

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Guys I posted another chapter!

Your pov

I let out a sigh as I looked around at everyone. I walked past them and scanned the area to make sure no one was following us. I felt arms wrap around me and a head in my hair. I smiled as I twitched my ears listening to the noises around me.
"What's next?" I heard dantes gentle voice ring through my ears.
I turned around so I was looking up at him.
"We need to get back to the village as soon as possible," I replied.
Dante nodded.
"Would you like me to get everyone ready?" He questioned looking down at me.
I smirked slightly as I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Well I mean you can, or we could do something," I replied as I started messing with his hair.
Dante smirked.
"Naughty naughty girl," he said as he pulled me closer.
I looked up at him and bit my lip. He placed his hand under my chin moving my head towards his. I tilted my head slightly as our lips met. Our lips moved in sync with each other's. I deepened the kiss as his hands started messing with the bow on the back of my corset keeping it together around my body. My hands roamed his body as he licked my lower lip. I denied playfully. I felt his hands go down to my butt and squeeze it roughly. I gasped and he darted his tongue in. His tongue explored every inch of my mouth. I moaned quietly as my hands slipped underneath his shirt and traced his abs. He moaned quietly as he licked my tongue. I shivered as I felt him pin me to a tree. He pulled away from the kiss and pressed his lips onto my neck. I bit my lip. He started to kiss and lick my neck trying to find my sweet spot. My breathing hitched as he found it. He smirked and started to abuse the spot. I moaned a little louder than before. Then I heard someone cough. My eyes went wide as well as Dante's. I pushed him off and he fell to the ground. I looked over and saw Ruea and Ash smirking.
"Why'd you stop the show N/n?" Ash asked with a smirk.
I blushed and glared at her. She chuckled. Ruea was smiling and jumping around.
"Anyways what do you two want?" I asked as my blush started to fade.
I saw Dante get up and lean against me.
"Ash wants to meet the one and only dante!" Ruea exclaimed.
I groaned.
"Alright Ash this is dante, my boyfriend," I started as I pointed to dante.
"And Dante this Ash," I finished as I pointed to her.
Dante held out his hand and Ash took it. They shook hands and smiled at each other.
"So your the one N/n is in love with," she said with a smirk as their hand let go of each other's.
Dante blushed and slowly nodded his head.
"Also," she started as she pulled him down to her level since he was a little taller than her.
"You hurt her I will skin you. Then I'll feed you to the wolves. Then I'll bring you back to life some how and do it all over again," she growled at him.
His eyes widened and he quickly nodded his head yes. I chuckled.
"Alright! Bye N/n and Dante! Imma go meet me people!" She exclaimed as she ran away with ruea.
"She's scary," dante said.
I laughed.
"Yeah she can be," I replied as I grabbed his hand.
"We should probably start our journey to the village M'lady," Dante said with a smile.
I smiled back.
"Yeah we probably should," I replied as I started to walk with him following me.
I walk over to everyone and they stare at us.
"Why are you all staring at us," I asked as I bit my lip.
"GET SOME DANTE!" Laurence yelled with a smirk.
I blushed and so did dante.
"Laurence shut up!" I yelled at him still blushing.
Laurence smirks even more.
"Ohhhhhh y/n and dante were doing inappropriate stuff!" Laurence yelled.
"Laurence!" Dante yelled giving him a warning.
Laurence held his hands up in surrender.
"Ok ok I'm done!" He said with a chuckle.
I laugh.
"Ok guys we are going to head back to Phoenix Drop," I told them.
They nodded and we all started to walk our journey to our home.

Time~skip cause I'm lazy

We approached the village and my eyes widen. I heard everyone gasp as I looked at the now burned down village. I slowly walked forward and through the now burnt down gates. I looked around and see burnt down buildings. Everything is gone. We lost everything. Then to my side I saw four people come out of the forest. It was levin, Malachi, Nicole, and Kawaii-Chan. They were all wounded. They fought for us. That's when I lost control of myself. I yelled out in anger and just let my rage out. I'm done with his games.

Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter but I wanted to make another chapter. I'm sorry if you don't like it but hey at least I got another chapter out instead of making y'all wait for months. Anyways hope you all enjoyed and are having a wonderful day! Love you my little wolves!

Love will find a way ~ a Dante x reader love story ~ book 2Where stories live. Discover now