Ch. 14 Blood on the Inside

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Aphmau's pov

I could sense the power. The aura that a divine warrior gives off while performing a healing transition into someone's body. The aura is very powerful and can be sensed from far away. Right now, at this moment of time, I'm running to the medical center in the village. A divine warrior is there. I can sense it. I bursted through the doors to see Ash being carried into a medical room by garroth. She was giving off a very powerful aura. Garroth ran into the room and I started running after him. Someone grabbed my arm before I could reach the room.
"LET ME GO! I NEED TO SEE HER!" I screamed trying to get out of the persons grip.
"Aphmau calm down," I heard aarons voice ring through the room.
I slowly calm down.
"They won't let you see her anyways. Not until tomorrow," he told me.
I sigh.
"Alright," I replied as I look down.
"Come on. We'll come back tomorrow," aaron told me as we started walking back home.

Ash's pov

I slowly opened my eyes but quickly closed them from the bright light that shined in the room. I got up and closed the curtains and opened my eyes and smiled. I started to walk to the door but felt a sharp pain in my chest. I grimaced and placed a hand on my chest as I leaned against the wall.

Pain pills. There has to be some in here...

I looked around before walking over to the bedside table and saw a bunch of bottles full of pills. I looked through them and found some pain pills and grabbed two of them. I saw a glass of water next to my bed and grabbed it. I tossed the pills in my mouth and drank some water so I could swallow them. I set the gLass down and started to feel the pain subside. I slowly walked towards the door and opened it. I saw some people walking around but I wasn't concerned about them. I wanted to see y/n. I want to make sure she's safe. I walked down the long corridor till I found her room. I slowly opened the door and noticed that the lights were dimmed. Ruea was in the room, her back to me, as she stared at the screens of X-rays. It looked like X-rays of y/n's stomach. I slowly walk in and close the door quietly. I heard her mumble a few things but I couldn't really hear her so I moved a little closer.
"No... this can't be. These have to be wrong," Ruea mumbled to herself as she continued to analyze them.
I walked up next to her and looked at them.
"What's wrong Ruea?" I asked as I analyze them.
Ruea jumped and turned to me.
"A-ash! You shouldn't be out of bed!" She said quietly to me.
"Ruea I'm fine. Don't worry. So again what's wrong with y/n?" I asked again as I looked at her.
"W-well, did you know that y/n was pregnant?" She asked me as she looked at the X-rays.
"W-what!" I exclaimed.
"Y-yeah... but these X-rays don't look to good," she replied looking at them.
"How come?" I asked her.
She then points to a certain area on one of the X-rays.
"Ash, this is blood. It's coming from the baby," she said with tears in her eyes.
"N-no! I won't let her child die!" I yell as I run towards the hospital bed and place my hands on her stomach.
"Ash no! You've already used up to much power and energy! You'll kill yourself!" Ruea yelled as she pried me away from y/n.
"I DON'T CARE IF THIS WILL KILL ME! LET ME SAVE HER BABY! PLEASE!" I yelled as tears streamed down my cheeks.
"I'm sorry ash," I hear her say before I feel her insert a syringe into my arm and inject me with something.
I squeak and yank my arm away.
"W-what did you just inject me with!" I exclaim as everything started to darken.
"Just relax ash," she replied right before I fell into her arms and everything turned black.

Dantes pov

My head is pounding so hard and I can't even think straight anymore. Everything was dark and I couldn't open my eyes. I couldn't remember much after I collapsed on the ground. I tried to open my eyes but nothing worked. It was starting to freak me out. I felt so weak. I felt vulnerable. I tried to keep myself calm as I started to regain my strength. I finally had enough strength and slowly opened my eyes. I was in pain as I slowly pushed myself up. I looked around and noticed I was in a secluded part of the town where we had planned on building more markets. I started to walk back to town, staggering a little since I was still really weak. I still remember everything that happened between me and y/n. I started a fight when I should have been supporting her. She was so happy that she was going to have a child with me and I shut her down. I was walking through the village towards the medical building. I have to see her. I have to apologize for everything I caused. I was barely able to push the door open and walk inside. I saw Ruea emerge out of a room. She turned around and her eyes widened when she saw me. She ran to me as I leaned against a wall.
"D-dante! What happened to you! W-we need to get you to a room quickly so I can stabilize you," she told me as she grabbed my arm.
I weakly pulled my arm away before she could do anything. She turned around and looked up at me.
"D-dante what are you doing?" She asked me with tears in her eyes.
"I-I don't need any m-medical treatment. I-i want to see y/n," I replied with tears in my eyes.
"Y-you can't see her right now dante," she replied as she looked down.
I felt anger start to boil inside me and my energy started to build up.
"Why not!" I yelled at my sister.
"S-she's going through surgery right now," she replied as tears started to run down her cheeks.
"W-what?" I asked, stunned by her answer.
She pulled me into an empty room and took a deep breath.
"Dante you know y/n was pregnant right?" She asked.
I nod as tears started to build up in my eyes.
"W-we'll.... I'm sorry dante b-but... y-yours and y/n's child d-died," she told me.
I felt the whole world stop. I felt tears run down my cheeks as I shook my head.
"N-no! It's not true! It can't be true!" I yelled out loud.
Ruea didn't answer and just looked at me in sympathy. I couldn't take it. I ran out the doors and out of the building. I ran through the village not stopping for anyone who called to me.

This is all your fault!

I felt my tears fall faster.

You did this to her!

I ran and ran.


My tears started to make my vision turn blurry and I tripped over a root and fell onto the ground.


I leaned against a tree and cried my heart out.
"I-I'm sorry y/n..." i said out loud as I continue to cry alone in the woods.

Love will find a way ~ a Dante x reader love story ~ book 2Where stories live. Discover now