Chapter 7 - The first of many!

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We arrived at the forest just about time for dinner, so we were all starved when we got to the place where we would all get our first pokemon.

"Well, my dear students, we will give each of you a starting kit, consisting of two pokeballs, a pokedex, a can of pokefood and also some food for you to eat on this little journey." Mr. Parks said calmly while the pupils started to whisper excitedly amongst themselves.

"You will have about two hours to catch one or two pokemon, be back at dusk." he said, leaving the forest and the children alone. I've got to get to Sylvia, we had a deal! As I start looking for Sylvia, someone says my name from behind me. I turn around to see Jack heading towards me, two gigantic boys walking behind him smirking at me.

Sylvia had already spotted me and was headed in my direction, so I walked towards her, trying to avoid Oak.

"It's crowded, how will I ever find any good pokemon?" She whispers to herself.

We walk over to the staff and receive one kit each as they give is instructions and tell is to stay together at all times! "Let's go!" I say optimistically as I exit the forest clearing. "Let's catch our first pokemon!" She tries, still skeptical, and I must admit, there are a lot of first-year students!

After about half an hour of walking through the woods, we are finally alone and can look for pokemon in peace!

"Well, what kind of pokemon do you like?" I ask her, mostly to break the awkward silence that's been between us the last twentyfive minutes of this little trip.

"I love cute pokemon with strong personalities!" She exclaims as we continue walking down a little path.

Suddenly my feet lose their grip and I fall on the ground. "Ouch, that really hurt!" I say as I try to stand up, only to be dragged down by another force.

"I'm so sorry..." She starts as we make eye contact while she is still laying on top of me. Her eyes are so beautiful, I feel like I've stared at them for a long time when I realise that she is glaring into mine as well! "Erm, I think we should get going..." I say, what a foolish thing to say! Now she'll think that I'm not interested!

Finally! A pokemon! A little pichu jumps out of a bush and startles Sylvia, but fortunately it doesn't flee and Sylvia is soon sitting on a rock with her new partner Pichu in her arms! I have got to find one myself! Suddenly a loud noise disrupts my thoughts and I run past some trees to find the source. There it is! A big kangaskhan is attacking a shinx and a growlithe! The poor pokemon have gotten into the kangaskhan's den by accident and now they can't leave! As the kangaskhan prepares for a comet punch, I run up to the shinx and growlithe, grab both of them and run towards the spot where I left Sylvia!

"Sylvia! You won't believe what happened!" I say, seeing no signs of the kangaskhan.

"Oh, I forgot you two!" I say as I lower the two pokemon and carefully put them on the ground. They look really tired and worn out, so I decide to open my backpack and give them some food.

"Give your pichu some food too." I remind Sylvia.

"Oh thanks! Maybe we should get something to eat too!" She says, blushing.

As we are all eating, a loud roar is heard and the ground starts shaking! Suddenly, the trees get pushed aside and a gigantic kangaskhan steps into the clearing.

"ROOOAAAARRRR!" It is as if a whole herd of tauros have invaded my ears, luckily enough, the kangaskhan just turns around and walks away like nothing happened!

"WHAT WAS THAT?" Sylvia asks, running up to me and hugging me really tight, I blush, hoping she won't see it. "It was the kangaskhan from earlier, but why didn't it attack us?" I respond thoughtfully.

"There are fifteen minutes left of our time here and you haven't caught any pokemon yet!" Sylvia says worriedly, herself now owning two pokemon, a pichu and a plusle, both female!

"Well then, it'll have to wait until the next time..." I say, realising the truth.

A warm, wet and soft thing nudges my foot and I turn around to see what it is. It is the shinx's nose!

"Do you need anything?" I ask the two pokemon that had returned even though they left two minutes ago!

"Hrmmfp," the little growlithe says, biting my bag.

Two red pokeballs roll out of my bag after a few seconds of watching the growlithe wrestle its' way into it.

"Grow, lithe!" He exclaims happily as they both hit a pokeball with their cute paws and get absorbed into them!

"Thank you guys!" I say happily as I let them out of their pokeballs for the walk back to the academy!

Me and Sylvia now have each one of our pokemon ranked in the pokedex, her pichu is a four, her plusle is a five as well as both of mine being ranked seven!

"Let's return to the academy!" She says as we retrace our steps to get out of the forest.

"We'll train tomorrow!" I exclaim as we reach the entrance to the academy.


Author's note.

Hello reader! I'm truly sorry for not posting so frequently, but I hope I made up to it with this chapter, it is longer than the usual ones, remember to comment and vote for it.

Also, if you want to give any suggestions, just leave a comment and I'll consider it!

- PikaCharm

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