Chapter 13

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Ms. Faragonda smiles in our direction. "Winx, use all of your powers to destroy this stone," she orders. I eye her carefully, knowing that something is up. She's planning something.

I nod in Stella's direction, knowing what had to be done. "Aqua: Magic Winx: Charmix!" I say, before transforming into a fairy.

Stella chuckles to herself, before running a hand through her hair

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Stella chuckles to herself, before running a hand through her hair. "Okay, my turn," she states, with a bright smile on her face. "Stella: Magic Winx: Charmix!"

Stella smiles at the other girls, as they wear expressions of jealousy

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Stella smiles at the other girls, as they wear expressions of jealousy. "I wish I had a new power," Musa murmurs, eyeing us carefully. "You girls look so pretty." I chuckle to myself, as Stella shoots her a sympathetic look.

"My turn!" Rena proclaims, as the girls eye her carefully. "Rena: Magic Winx: Charmix!" Air surrounds her, as she starts to transform.

Rena looks over at Stella, as she nods in her direction

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Rena looks over at Stella, as she nods in her direction. I just hope they can become friends. "North! South! East! West!" Rena shouts, as orbs come from all directions and hit the stone.

"Nice shot, Rena!" I compliment. Stella intently stares at the stone, as a frown forms on her face. How could it not work? "It didn't work..." Rena murmurs, as I glare at the stone.

"Allow me to try!" Stella declares, with determination in her voice. "Solar storm!" A bright light comes from her, as I cover my eyes. I couldn't handle this brightness all the time.

Once the light dies down, I was surprised to see that the stone was still there. How could it not work? "Okay, it's my turn," I say angrily. "Water of Andros!"

Water surrounds the stone, as I long for it to break. To my own surprise, it remained standing. "Let me scan it," Tecna says, as her drone flies towards it. "It's unidentifiable."

"Girls, let's combine our powers and try!" I declare, as they nod. "Water of the night!" I close my eyes in concentration, hoping this would work.

"Shining light!" Stella calls. Rena steps forward, as a serious expression appears on her face. "Air power: secret attack!" She yells.

The spell was cast, as my energy starts to drain. I look at the stone, noticing a dent in it. "We did it!" I cheer softly. "But, I feel so tired..."

Stella nods lightly, before landing on the ground and yawning tiredly. "Okay, I want a go at it!" Bloom declares, having a look of determination on her face. "Bloom, Magic Winx!"

I smile in her direction, as she ferociously glares at the stone. "I will not lose to a pathetic stone!" Bloom shouts, as I chuckle to myself. "Dragon fire!" I smile, being thankful for the necklaces Bloom and I have.

Rena flies over to me, seemingly nervous. "Why isn't her magic effecting you?" She asks. I turn to stare at her, before lifting up my necklace. Her eyes widen in surprise, as she nods lightly. 

"I hope she can do it," I say in a hopeful tone. Rena shakes her head, being incapable of knowing what Bloom was capable of. "I doubt direct spells will work," she notes, as I study the stone. "Maybe, all of us need to combine our powers?"

I bite my lip, thinking it over. She's right. It worked when Stella, Rena, and I combined our plans. Even so, it nearly drained us. "That's a good idea," I murmur. "Everyone, transform. Rena just had a good idea."

Flora nods in response, as Tecna furrows her eyebrows in concentration. "Okay, we'll try it," Tecna states, as I smile in her direction. "Magic Winx!" That's when her and Flora start to transform.

I nervously look at them. "Nature's ivy!" Flora shouts, as orbs of Ivy circle the stone and attempt to break the stone. I hope that would work, but the vines broke instantly.

"My turn!" Tecna declares. "Techno charge!" Rows of technical magic come at the stone, hitting it instantly. I smile, as the magic starts to work. "Tecna, it—" I start. The magic wears off right away, leaving us frustrated and sad at the results.

"Wait, Aqua, maybe you and Bloom should combine your powers to take down the stone," Rena states, as I nod in agreement. I look over at Bloom, whose staring at Aisha and Musa, who weren't transforming.

"Maybe, I should do an indirect spell," Musa suggests, stroking her chin. "Musa: Magic Winx!"

She grins, before staring at us. "Music beams!" Musa shouts, as the sound within the forest echoes. Her attack surrounds the stone, as I stare at her in amazement at her new boost in power.

Smoke fills the air, as I stare at the stone. I close my eyes, thinking of ways to destroy it. As I open my eyes, I realize it's still there. "Okay, that's it!" Aisha roars. "Aisha, Magic Winx!"

She was undoubtedly frustrated by the stone's presence, as I wonder what she could do to destroy it. "You can do it," I say, as Aisha concentrates her magic into her hands.

"Morphix sphere!" She shouts, sending a powerful orb at the stone. The spell fades, failing to work against the mysterious stone. "Girls, let's combine our powers to destroy it," I say, as Rena nods in agreement.

Bloom smiles. "Why didn't I think of that?" She asks, chuckling to herself. "Winx, let's do it!" I purse my lips in concentration, thinking about which spell to do. A smile forms on my lips, as I decide to use my specter.

"Magic specter, I command you to help us break this stone," I order, as the other girls start to cast spells at the stone. If anything, this has an extremely good chance at working.

After a few minutes, we push extra hard and cast the spell. The stone starts to shatter, as relief forms in the pit of my stomach. "We did it!" I cheer excitedly, glancing at my friends. There has never been a time that I've been more happy about destroying something.

That's when exhaustion dawns upon me. "What should we do now?" Rena questions. I yawn, stretching my stiff arms. If anything, we should get some sleep and rest up. After all, we've had a long day.

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