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I smiled at my mom as I took the pregnancy test from her "I'm going to take it with Zach it you don't mind" she smiled at me and nodded "it's not going to happen the first time you know" I nodded "yeah I know, I'll keep theses a they boys house" they nodded.

I knock on the boys door and smiled as Jonah opened it up "hey Zach's upstairs pacing, why?" I laughed as I held up the box of test "this" he smiled as all they boys saw what I was holding. "Already" I nodded "I missed my period this month and it's been almost a month" they all smiled.

I walked upstairs and knocked on the door "hey baby" Zach pulled me into a hug as I smiled at him. I smiled at him "if it comes out negative I don't want you to be sad Okay" he nodded "okay" we heard the boys footsteps by the door and I laughed.

"I'll go pee, you can do whatever with them" he nodded as I walked into the bathroom and did my business, I flushed and washed my hands "baby are you coming out" I looked down at the timer "yes"

"In four minutes" I said as Zach tried to open the door but I locked it "baby" I signed as I unlocked it and all the guys walked in "hi" I said laughing as they all laughed too. "Can we as how many times y'all tried" Daniel said looking to us, I pulled out my phone "in a matter of a months 14 times" Daniel let his jaw hang open "if y'all aren't pregnant I'm going to be surprised"

I laughed as the time went off and I grabbed it before anybody could look and hid it behind my back "Wait I can't" Zach kissed me "baby it's going to be fine" I laughed "what if it's negative, it's going to kill me Zach" he nodded

"I've been scared all day long that it would come out negative but if it does we have to try again and we can't worry Okay" I nodded "let's look" he said as I pulled the two test I took out.


"Maybe if I take more" Zach shook his head as my voice broke mid sentence, "we just need to try again" I nodded "maybe these were defects and I should take more, quick get me some water" Zach held my hands "baby" I looked him in his eyes "it's going to be hard okay, we are going to get negative a lot" I frowned

"I was praying for a positive" he nodded and kissed me "I know" my phone started ringing "hello" there was yelling and I finally heard my moms voice "did you take it" I held back tears "two negatives" she signed

"How about you come home and we can eat ice cream" I looked to Zach talking to the guys "I think I'm going to stay over here for a minute, stay with Zach" I could She her small smile "Okay text me when your on you way home"

I hung up and I laid in Zach bed as he came a cuddled me "how are you feeling" he asked and I turned to him "what if we can't make a baby in my parents time limit" he shrugged "then we have to wait" he kissed me as he deepened it.

"I feel ugly Zach we can't have sex" he kissed me again, "then let me make love to you, beautiful" I nodded as he gave me and soft, passionate, loving kiss "I love you so much" he whispered in my ear.

He kissed down my neck as we lost our shirts, "you are beautiful" I smiled at him as he pulled me into another sweet kiss.

I woke up to my phone blowing up, "hello" I said quietly trying not to wake Zach but failing "where are you young lady" I took a deep breath as I looked at the time 12:45 am "oh my god, Zach and I lost track of time and we were talking and feel asleep, I'm so sorry mom I'm on my way home now" I hung up as I jump up and threw on underwear.

"Babe can I wear you shirt" he nodded as I put on sweats and gave him a kiss as he pulled me back into him "I love you and I'll call you when I wake up okay" I nodded as I kissed him one last time "I love you too" I ran out of his house and made it home.

I walked in to see my mom and dad sitting at the table "I'm sorry we got caught up and we fell asleep, we didn't know we were going to so we didn't tell the boys to wake us up and it's kinda been a long day" my dad nodded as he pulled out the table chair for me to sit.

"Mom told me the news you got today" I nodded as I held back tears "I wanted it to be positive so bad" I let my tear fall as they game me a sad look "we know but we need to worn you about something"

"Please don't say that I can't get pregnant" they shook their heads "you could have the risk of twins" I laughed as my mom got ice cream out of the fridge and we ate it.  "Looks like y'all tried again tonight" I looked myself up and down and laughed "we didn't and did" they looked at me weird.

"Well we made love but we weren't really trying" they nodded as my dad laughed "Okay let's get in bed now, you have school tomorrow" I nodded as I walked up to my room and past out.

I walked into school and met up with my best friend, "bathroom now" I nodded as I followed her into the bathroom and she laughed "Remember when I said I wanted to get pregnant" I nodded as I looked at her weird "I'm pregnant" I smiled and hugged her.

"OMG I'm so happy for you" I hugged her again as the bell rang and we walked to class, "so are you and Zach thinking about it yet?" I nodded at her "actually for the last month we have been trying but" she nodded "I got a few of those too".

At the end of the school day I went home and laid on my bed "Hey" I smiled at my mom as she laughed "why are you so tried lately" I laughed "all this extra sex Zach and I have been having is making me extremely tried and I don't know how I feel about it" she laughed as I sat up and grabbed my backpack and got my homework out.

"Well don't overwork yourself" I laughed "funny that's the same thing I told Zach the other day" she gave me a weird face "what" she laughed and walked out of my room as I got a text from Zach.

Zach: you coming over today?

Loren: I don't know, I have to see if I get my homework done in enough time and I'm really tried so I'll probably pass out after anyway.

Zach: Okay, I love you

Loren: I love you too baby

I worked on the my homework and checked the clock 6:45 pm I rolled my eyes and put all my school crap away. I went downstairs and got a water bottle, I checked the rooms to see my parents were not home

Loren: finished my homework, wanna come cuddle me?

Zach: what's your parents say

Loren: out for the night

Zach: be over soon

I smiled to myself as I went and put on Zach shirt from last night and some booty shorts.

Momma: we will be out all night

Loren: Zach's gonna come over for a while

Momma: Okay, I put some more pregnancy test in your bathroom, take one soon please

Loren: we checked yesterday

Momma: if you don't get your period in the next week take one please

Loren: fine

There was a knock at the door and I went and got it, Zach was standing at my door with roses and candy "have I told you I love you today" I laughed as I kissed him "maybe you could show me instead of tell me" I winked as we walked up to my bedroom... and the rest was history

Pregnant in high school Where stories live. Discover now