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I gave Zach a kiss and he pulled me in for another, "bye guys" he said to my camera as I laughed and hugged him again, "I'll see you in a couple days lover boy" he kissed me again and rubbed my belly "bye baby, bye princess" he hugged me again.

"Be safe on your way home, I love you and I'll call you when I land" I smiled "I love you too and I'll see in soon baby" he gave me one last kiss and he walked away.

I turned to the vlog and smiled, "I'm going to go cry now" I laughed a little as a tear fell "damn these stupid hormones". I got in the car and set my camera up on the dashboard, "as you guys can see Zach had to go to LA for a few days and finish some stuff up with the rest of the guys."

"Oh shit I forgot to tell y'all that we moved to Texas, well if you follow us on Twitter and instagram you know that Zach and I live in an apartment, we just moved down here. I believe I said it in the gender reveal video" I pulled out onto the road as my phone started ringing.

I looked down to see it was Daniel, "hello" I said as I turned down a street "I was calling to make sure Zach made it on time" I laughed "yeah we just said our goodbyes" I heard him talking to somebody, "thank you Loren, I'll talk to you later"

"Bye bye" we hung up as I looked back to the camera, "anyway today I'm going to hang out with Myta, Reese, and Ryan. We are going to go look for like house decor, sorry babe can't see it till you come back home ha, but yeah so I think I'm going to head home probably take a nap" my eyes went wide.

"Oh crap, I have to call the doctors to get them to move me down here ughhh, never mind on the whole nap thing" I laughed at myself as my phone went off.

"Yes momma" I heard her and my dad laugh at the other end of the line, "hey baby so I called then doctors and they should be calling you soon about switching" I smiled "thank you" we said our I love yous and goodbyes.

I pulled up the apartments and went Inside, "Okay Guys So as you can tell I'm 23 weeks right now the baby is the size of a mango, which of course I don't have one to show but that's how big it is, my belly looks like this" I pulled my shirt up and showed off my belly bump.

"I look a lot bigger off of camera but it's whatever" my phone rang again telling me it was the doctors

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"I look a lot bigger off of camera but it's whatever" my phone rang again telling me it was the doctors. I had turned off the camera and talked with them about changing to down here due to me moving.

We had worked everything out and finally I was all finished with getting that done.


I met up with Myta and them at the mall as we went a look around for a while, "Zach called you yet" I shook my head "I think he should have about 30 minutes left" she nodded as we all walked to get some ice cream "can I vlog" I nodded yes at Reese as I turned the camera on for her and she started talking to it.

Myta and I were talking about how I wanted to have the apartment and soon we had realize we've been sitting her talking for a hour. As we got up my phone went off, "hey baby" I heard as soon as I picked up.

"Hey zachy, are you with the guys" it was loud in the background, Myta and us started walking to our cars "yeah, they just getting here" I was confused as I looked at the time. "Well did you just land" he made me popping noise with his mouth

"Yeah, about fifteen minutes ago, I went through some fans so it was fun" I laughed a little "well I'm with your mom, sister and brother if you want to say hey" he replied with a sure as I handed my phone to Myta.

"Loren" Reese said as she pointed my camera at me, "yes" I said as I smiled "can I see the baby" I nodded and pulled my shirt up very little. We were outside in the parking lot now, "congratulations" I smiled at an older woman who was walking by us.

"Thank you" she nodded and continued to walk, "Loren do you think you're to young to have a baby" I shook my head a Reese. "Not really, I'm quite young yes but I feel if god didn't want me to be pregnant at this age he wouldn't have blessed me with this baby" she smiled.

"Loren, Zach wants to talk to you" I took my phone back as I walked down my car, Reese had given me my camera back and we all decided to meet up at ikea.

I started my car as my phone connected to the Bluetooth "yeah baby" he laughed a little "I know you're out with mom and all but tonight can you FaceTime me" I smiled, "yes I can why so" I could hear him giggle.

"I miss you, we haven't been like this far apart since tour last year" I laughed a little "I miss you too baby, just think your only going to be there for a couple days".

"I love you baby, I have to go the guys want me in the booth", "I love you too". We hung up and I grabbed my camera out.

"Hope you guys loved little Reese if she vlogged anything, right now Myta and I are going to meet up at ikea and look around some there but if we don't find anything I'm going to go back home, it's already 7:30 so I know Myta has to get home soon anyway." 


Once we looked around for a while, only buying a few pillows and new sheets, and a comforter, along with a rug for the living room, and the bathroom. We decided on leaving "I guess I have to wait to see what all Zach likes" he smiled and hugged me "I better get them home so we can eat" I smiled and gave her a hug.

"Be safe" she nodded and I walked to my car, once I got home I brought all the stuff up to the room and set it all up.

I put the rugs down and replaced the bed spread Zach and I had on there, I cook me a quick meal and showered.

I got out and brushed my teeth as I laid down Zach had FaceTimed me "hey baby" he smiled at me, it had looked like he was still in the studio "y'all still working" he nodded as he laid down on the couch.

"Did you get anything today" I nodded "I was thinking once you get back we should go look and see what you would like" he nodded and smiled.

"I have to edit the vlog and stuff, what are you doing baby" he huffed "missing your beautiful face" I blew him a kiss. "Okay baby I'll call you tomorrow get some sleep beautiful" I smiled "goodnight lover"

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