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I woke up and looked at the clock, fuck it's 3 am, I got out of bed and went to the kitchen and got some water. I held the bottom of my stomach as there was this huge cramp, "ow" I said as it hit again, Zach walked in "baby" he asked as he rubbed his eyes.

"I'm right here" I said as I sat my drink down, "what's wrong" I shook my head "just got these really bad cramps is all" his eyes went wide "the baby? Is she coming?" I shook my head.

"No, I mean I'm only 30 weeks" he looked at me "but the doctor said that most pregnancy only last 29 to 33 weeks" he looked at the ground "my water didn't break" he took a deep breath in but got scared when I gasped and held my stomach again.

"I taking you to the hospital, car now!" I rolled my eyes "I need my phone" he walked out of our room with the keys and my phone and his, "go babe I'm not playing" he was the only one rushing.

"Babe I'm sure you're going crazy, there's no reason to go" he gave me a look as he opened my door "stop! You're going and there is no if, and, or buts" I nodded as he started the car and we left.


"Okay miss Coleman, good morning" I smiled at our normal doctor, the ER had called her in when we made it here. She is probably pissed but whatever, it's her job right, "so sorry to drag you out of bed" she laughed and shook her head as she rub germ X on her hands.

"Hey it's what I sighed up for" we all laughed as she sat down on the chair, "Okay so water didn't break?" I shook my head "I woke up about an hour or so ago with a sharp pain in my lower stomach and I got up and got some water, then now we are here" she nodded.

"I'm gonna have you put your feet here, yes there we go" she put some gloves on and Zach had grabbed my hand "nervous?" The nurse had asked Zach and he nodded.

"There are a lot of mothers that come in and their water hasn't broke yet but they have that sharp pain, one came in the other day and said she went to the rest room and the felt the same pain, I was like ma'am that's when your water broke" I laughed as she tried to lighten the mood in the room.

It felt as I had just went pee as the doctor reach to check and make sure everything was good, "Okay, your water definitely just broke, so I'm going to change and my nurse is going to set you up in a delivery room. I'll be back to see how everything is going then" I nodded and blushed.

"Don't be embarrassed by that, it happens all the time actually" I laughed a little and looked towards Zach as he was pale. "Babe are you okay?" He nodded "I need to call everybody, I gotta call Daniel and tell them I can't do the interview in the morning" I squeezed his hand as he looked at me.

"Baby take a breath, when we get in the room we'll call our parents and the boys" he nodded "our little girl is coming" he said and kissed me.

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