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I got up out of bed and threw on some sweat pants, I pulled my vlog camera out and laughed a little, "good morning guys it's currently 5:00 am and I have to drive down to the air port to pick up Zach".

"I don't know why he picked such an early flight but he's weird like that" I laughed to myself as I got Zach something to snack on and grabbed the keys.

I locked the door and went down to the car, I set the camera up and turned it on "so today Zach and I get to hear this little angles heart beat and I'm going to cry, he might cry, it's going to be great" I laughed a little and turned down a street.

I turned the music up louder as just to see you smile came on, I started singing and laughing as more why don't we song started playing. Before I knew it I was at the airport, I had texted Zach and got what gate he was at.

When he got in the car he gave me a kiss, "I'm a little nervous to have you driving baby" I rolled my eyes and handed him the grapes o had gotten him. "Thank you love" I smiled, "Are you ready for today baby" he smiled and nodded.

"Did you start your vlog?" I nodded and pointed to the camera, "I just turned it back on, we were jaming out" he laughed "to?" I smiled as I quickly looked behind us, "why don't we of course" he laughed and turned the radio up as why don't we came through the speakers.

"Cut me off one more time bitch, god damn all the other fucking lanes have literally nobody hoe" Zach looked to me as I was telling this car off while switching lanes.

"Really babe" he said as I gave him a glance, "what all these lanes have no one in them and she made me have to slam on the brakes" he laughed a little.


After we got back home I had laid down and went back to sleep, we had to be at the doctors office at 8:00 so I had about and hour and a half to sleep. Zach had stayed up, once I woke up I had quickly taken a shower.

I made something to eat for Zach and I, we sat down and ate as he kissed me "Are you ready" I smiled and nodded. I got my camera and looked to him "Zach if theirs one thing you can say to our child/ children what would you tell them" he laughed and grabbed my camera.

"I would say that I love you guys more than life itself and that y'all were my greatest blessing, raising y'all and being there will be my favorite thing. If you ever need anything you can come to me, or even your mom".

"I would also say that if your mother and me didn't work out like we had planned that we still love you, we still strive to show you that everyday and we don't want you to forget that. We will continue to have a relationship no matter what kind it be, friends or parents, for you" I smiled at Zach and kissed him.


Once we got there Zach had held my hand as we walked in, there wasn't any body else but us in the little waiting room, which for my was a good thing. I hated getting looked at because I was so young.

Once the nurse walked us back she smiled at me, "so you're 23 weeks going to be 24 in three days, how are you feeling" i nodded as she helped me up on the bed and Zach took a seat in the chair.

"I'm feeling great" she smiled, "I think you're really strong for you having a baby at this age" I smiled at her as she finished getting everything ready.

"Thank you" she nodded, "I know it can be hard, I got pregnant at 15, I didn't really have a lot of people supporting me. My friends weren't allowed to hang out with me, the father didn't want this baby, I have my mom and that was it" I nodded.

"I'm so sorry, Zach and I just kinda planned and it happened" she smiled "that's why I think you're so strong, I see y'all walk in every check up and y'all leave with an even bigger smile on y'all face. He's always holding your hand and smiling, talking about how he just can not wait for her to be born" I smiled.

"It must have been hard doing it by yourself" she nodded, "it was and that's why I glad you're not, my son just turned 21 and it seem like time flys" I smiled. There was a knock at the door and the doctor walked in "oh hello violet, are you finish".

She nodded, "oh yes we were just talking" the doctor nodded "Okay go on" she shook her head "I have other patients to get you, nice talking to you" I smiled and shook her hand, so did Zach.

"Okay miss, Coleman looks like you will be getting a normal checkup and also hearing the heartbeat, I know you would hear it at 20 weeks which I can see you didn't have a checkup schedule, which is totally okay" I smiled as she turned away from the computer to us.

She grabbed the ultrasound, "this will be a little cold" Zach had walked over and showed the vlog camera the computer screen where the image was going to show up.

As the image soon showed up, so did the heart beat. I smiled, it was calming to hear it, to know that this baby was alive. It has a heartbeat, it's living and growing, inside me.

I looked over to Zach as he wiped a tear off of his face, he turned the camera to him and checked his appearance, I smiled as the doctor giggled.

"The only time I've even see any father cry is when the parents have been trying to get pregnant" I nodded as Zach gave up on trying to wipe his tears away.

"I'll have Violet print the picture and have the tape ready for when you schedule the next appointment, I'll see you guys soon." I nodded as she walked out.

"Baby" I said as I sat up and wiped the gel she had put on off, "that's our kid, my babygirl inside of you, she had a beating heart" I kissed him and took the camera from him. It was still on and pointing to the ceiling.

"I know baby, she's growing" he kissed me, I wipe his tear and he kissed me again "god I love you so much" I smiled as he cupped my cheeks and kissed me again "I love you" he had the biggest smile on his face.

"Thank you" I looked at him weird "for what baby" he laughed, "for letting me get you pregnant, for loving me, for moving to Texas with me, for living with me, for everything that you do" I smiled "baby" he hugged me.

"Since you came into my life, you have changed me in ways that god could only understand, I don't ever want to lose you" I kissed him.

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