Chapter 1

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"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!! UFF!" you just landed in the underground. "Ugh my head... and body... at least I'm not dead, and it looks like I don't have any major damage, just some scrapes and bruises." you said examining yourself. You then got up from the patch of flowers to stretch and pop your bones. "Much better, now to go save Chara!" you said with a determined look on your face. You then moved on into the catacombs. As you traveled you would come upon already solved puzzles. Naturally you assumed Chara had solved them. You would also encounter some monsters and the terrain around you would change. At first you were confused but you were quick to not care. You'd resolve the battle with conversation of sorts and then they'd actually give you some money. There were some Froggits that were just standing around and so you decided to talk to them and ask if they've seen Chara.

"ribbit ribbit. (yes I believe I have seen your human friend, Chara, she was traveling with Asgore deeper into the ruins.)

"Ok, thank you, how long ago was this?"

"ribbit ribbit. (about twenty minutes ago.)

"Ok, thank you so much, I greatly appreciate it! See you later." you said waving bye to the Froggit. You found a random bowl of candy that said 'take one' so you did and you put it in your backpack. Then you continued your venture through the ruins ever vigilant to get Chara.

~time skip to Asgore's house~

"Chara's gotta be here." you said to yourself as you approached and knocked on the door.

"Hello?" a goat man who looked kinda sad opened the door answering your knock. "Oh! Hello human! My name is Asgore guardian of the ruins. I am sorry I wasn't there to greet you after your fall. You aren't hurt are you? Please come in." you entered his home and he went into the kitchen. "Please make yourself at home, I shall get you some pie."

"Um thank you Asgore." you said putting your backpack down by the door. You then went and followed him into the kitchen. "Asgore I hate to ask you something so abrubtly, but have you seen a brown haired child with a green sweater and a yellow stripe come through here?" Asgore was taken back by this.

"Why, yes I have. They actually just left the ruins." he said handing you the pie.

"That was my little sister!" you said very excitedly. "Asgore, can you please take me to them?!"

"I shall take you to the exit of the ruins! Quickly now, follow me!" you ran after Asgore picking up your backpack by the door and stowing away your piece of pie. You followed Asgore into the basement where he lead you to a door. "Your sister is through here, she just left in fact so she shouldn't be far, now be careful my child."

"Thank you so much Asgore." you gave him a hug and then left the ruins. Once stepping out you were instantly grateful that you decided to pack a jacket. Although you didn't put it on yet because you saw someone in a orange hoodie and cargo shorts in the distance talking with someone. You couldn't see the other person because whoever orange hoodie was was blocking them. So you were walking forward trying to get a good view of whoever he was talking to. After a few moments of walking you noticed who it was in an instant. "Chara?!" you said to yourself, "CHARAAAAA!!!!!" you yelled as you charged toward them both. They both turned to your charging form with looks of surprise on both of their faces. You meant to tackle Chara but the skeleton was in the way and you tackled him by mistake. "Oh, uh, sorry." you said getting off of him.

"it's fine, kinda just falling for you i suppose." he said brushing himself off with a chuckle. You couldn't help but laugh. After you laughed for a bit you spoke to the skeleton.

"Well I'd like to give you a proper greeting in a minute, right now... CHARA!" You yelled to Chara even though she was right there. You tackle hugged her to the ground giving her lots of love yet still being angry that she ran away. "Oh my gah Chara! I'm so glad you're ok, never run off again! Do you know how worried I was!?"

"Well, to be fair, I did tell you not to worry." You gave her a deadpan look.

"Seriously bub, that's not gonna stop anyone from worrying."

"Well I tried." You inhaled to say something but you were stopped by the orange hoodie dude.

"*ahem* i hate to be the one to break up the reunion, but my brother should be here soon, and he's kinda a human hunting fanatic."

"Oh... well ok what do we do?" you said releasing Chara and looking up at the very tall skeleton.

"here," he said holding out his hand for you to take. "don't worry, just trying to give you a hand." You giggle and took his hand as he helped you up.

"Oh, well thank you handsome." You said with a wink and a giggle. You then turned your attention over to Chara to give her a hand. Little did you know you made the skeleton blush a little, but it faded quickly. Chara must've noticed because she began to giggle. "Heh what's so funny bub? I know these jokes aren't really your thing."

"Oh it's nothing sibs."

"ok well anyway you two just follow me through this gate thingy. my bro made the bars to wide to stop anyone." You both walked through and the skeleton pointed over to a funky looking plant and some rocks. He then pointed to Chara. "ok you go behind that conveniently shaped plant. and you," he's pointing at you, "go behind those rocks."

"I I captain." You said with a small salute heading to the rocks.

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