Chapter 24

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You felt weightless as if the world around you lacked all gravity. You're hair stretched to its furthest extent from your body as if you were in the depths of the ocean. Once you opened your eyes, you only saw nothing. Not a glimmer of light to be seen, nor hope for this mysterious land. You took in a breath to speak, "Hello?" You questioned hoping for anyone to answer.


But all you received was silence.

You were unsure as to what you were supposed to do or if this land even served a purpose. All you could do was let the world do as it shall with your form, letting you drift among its empty, infinite space.


You remained in wait - anxiously - as you felt uneasy about this land. You tried to get the attention of anyone yet again as you took in a breath to speak. "Hello? Can anyone hear me?" You asked, confusion laced in your voice.


You waited a few minutes yet again hearing nothing but the echo of your own voice. You grew frustrated and annoyed at the fact. You gritted your teeth feeling thoroughly fed up with this isolationism. "There has to be someone here! Answer me!" You yelled in hopes someone would answer.


Yet the silence was the only response. If there was ground in this realm you would've dropped to your knees in agony. "Please... someone... anyone... just answer me," you said softly to yourself.


You felt insanity crawling into your mind as voices filled your head. Too many were speaking at once making you unable to decipher what they were saying. You knotted your fingers in your hair as you tried to organize your thoughts. Please please... calm down I can't understand. You all need to slow down. Otherwise, nothing will get accomplished here. You tried reasoning with your thoughts only to make them louder and faster.

You began getting panicky, as you began to shake and breathe heavily in reaction. "No, no, no- Stop, please, stop- You can't- I won't- this isn't- why can't you- why won't you- *gasp*" you began speaking aloud to yourself trying to maintain your thoughts yet failing, when suddenly,  you gasped at the sight of a cloaked figure that appeared right before your eyes making all of the voices go silent.

Was this being the one causing my inner torments? You questioned yourself as you began controlling your breathing. The being in question appeared to be nothing but a dark-purple cloak, very similar to that of the riverperson back in the underground. Though on the inside... nothing but pitch black remained. For all you knew this was just some sentient article of clothing. Though that thought changed when you saw a pitch black hand emerge from within the cloak.

"For the answers, ye seek,
go to the riverman and speak,
The initials of Wing Dings Gaster."

You suddenly realized that the thoughts you were having were this presence's words all jumbled up into one. Though the entity still spoke in rhymes making you very confused.

"But wait what answers are there that I'm seeking?"  You asked oblivious as to what was going on.

"In order to prevent disaster,
Tread this venture alone,
Leave the set of bones."

You could only assume by 'set of bones' that they meant Papyrus, but in any case, this guy was nothing short of confusing.

"But I don't understand, what's going on?" You asked still not getting any solid answers.

"The riverman is isolated,
Though previously captivated,
No longer is he beloved."

"Well, what happened to him? Why isn't he loved anymore?" You asked though the entity responded with yet another poem.

"He who was once loved,
Can only respond,
He who needs to bond."

"But, I don't understand. What is it that I'm supposed to do?" You asked with uncertainty laced in your voice.

"Reunite..." That one-word being said made you feel a rush of determination flow through your being.

"Reunite..." you whispered to yourself then proceeding to nod. You then looked back up to the being only to see them dispersing back into the empty sea of black. "W-Wait! I have so many questions!" You exclaimed to no avail. "Dang..." you mumbled to yourself as you watched the entity disappear into the nothingness.


Shortly after the beings disappearance, you felt an unusual tugging in your chest pulling your form up from this realm of darkness. You couldn't breathe freely from that moment on as you were being skyrocketed up at unnatural speeds feeling the wind whipping past you as your self was unable to move at its own will. Your body felt as if it were crashing through multiple brick walls every few seconds until you saw a bright flash of light.


You awoke with a gasp shooting up from Papyrus' lap as you pressed a hand to your heavily thumping chest. You were breathing heavily as you looked around the room taking in every detail making sure you were back safely. You then turned to Papyrus seeing that he was looking at you with a great deal of concern from your abrupt awakening. "hun, are you ok? what happened?" He asked you with worry evident in his voice.

"I... I think so... just a nightmare I guess," You said as you gingerly laid back on his lap as you were beginning to control your breathing.

"well... do you wanna talk about it?" Papyrus asked you seeing as he wanted to know what was going on.

"I..." you began to speak only to cut yourself off remembering the entity's words. 'Leave the set of bones...' this made you think better than to tell Papyrus the events of your realistic dream. "I think I'll be good Paps, really," you said making him look to you with furrowed bone brows, clearly not believing you.

"..." Papyrus was silent for a moment before proceeding to speak. "*sigh* if you say so, (y/n)," he let out a reluctant sigh before he let it go. "anyway, do you want to go to muffet's or try to go back to sleep?" He asked you making you hum in thought.

"Well, how long were we asleep?" You asked him to which he looked at his phone to check the time.

"looks like about an hour," he said making you hum in thought.

"Mmm... guess we should probably be productive... ish, heh," You said with a chuckle considering that going to Muffet's wasn't exactly productive.

"heh, alrighty then," he then moved the pillow from his lap and stood from the sofa extending one of his hands out to you. "shall we?" He asked you with a wink.

"Let's shall," you said as you graciously took his hand in yours. Papyrus then pulled you up briskly making you stumble into his arms with an 'oof' making him chuckle as he wrapped his arms around the small of your back.

"heh, sorry, hun," he said as you looked up at him with a small glare.

"I'm almost positive you did that on purpose," you spoke making a small dusting of orange coat his cheeks.

"heh, and you'd be right," he said with another wink making you shake your head and look away from his gaze as a gentle red hue dusted your cheeks.

"Pfft, whatever, bones," you said as you poked his rips making him chuckle.

"let's just head over to muffet's, hun," Papyrus said as he ruffled your hair, and within a blink of an eye, you felt the world around you shift and change as you both arrived at Muffet's thanks to another one of Papyrus' famous shortcuts.

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