Chapter 7

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You both walk back inside to where you hear utter silence. "hmm guess those two went out... wonder how their 'date' went." Papyrus said as he went over to the couch.

"I dunno... but do you think those two will be ok?" You said sitting next to Papyrus.

"yeah i'm sure they'll be fine, but if you want i kinda have a general idea of where they'll be if you want me to take you to 'em." Well... I am kinda concerned for Chara... 

"Yes please." You said sighing reluctantly as you got off the couch. 

"i'm sure the kid is alright if you don't really wanna go." Papyrus said trying to convince you to stay. 

"As much as I'd love to just chill with you on the couch, I gotta be a good sister and watch Chara." Papyrus nodded as he got off the couch.

"yeah, that's understandable. i remember when sans was little, he'd always get into some weird antics that i'd have to help him with... but to be fair he still does." You couldn't help but giggle. That's exactly why you're here. "what's so funny?" He asked you confused.

"It's just funny... cause that's exactly why I'm here." You said looking up to Papyrus. He had a look of somewhat surprise on his face but only for a moment as it replaced itself with a genuine smile. Papyrus ruffled your hair as he chuckled. 

"well, if it's any consolation, i'm glad you fell down here. it's nice having you and the kid around. plus, sans is really happy knowing he has made new friends." Papyrus said sounding content. You smiled at him and took one of his hands in yours. 

"Come on Papy, we'll reminisce later, right now I gotta make sure Chara isn't dead." Papyrus scoffed playfully.

"she's not dead, but alright let's go." He snapped his fingers with his free hand and you both appeared in front of what looked to be the same station in the forest but in a different location. Plus this location was warmer so you were surprised to see that there was still snow on top of it. You pointed to it and looked at Papyrus very puzzled. "don't question it." He said obviously knowing what you were thinking. "ya know this is actually my second job."

"Oh wow, you work two jobs? I thought you were to lazy to deal with the one." You said your last statement with a laugh. 

"pfft, i actually have four jobs." He said smirking.

"Dude, how are you not dead?" Papyrus just laughed a little.

"well we can talk about my jobs later, they should be just up here." He said gesturing to the path up ahead. 

"Alright let's go." You said walking with confidence dragging Papyrus with you considering you both never let go of each other's hands. You both walked through some water and then you saw Chara walking into some tall grass. "CHA-!" You tried to call out to your sister but Papyrus covered your mouth and pulled you closer to himself. You looked at him a little agitated for covering your mouth. He just remained silent but gestured to the top of a wall next to where Chara just walked. You looked up and shook with fear at the sight. You saw what looked to be a fearsome knight looming above, you could only see half of them as the darkness tried to consume them. Out of nowhere you saw Sans coming from the other direction.

"H... HI, ALPHYS! I'M HERE WITH MY DAILY REPORT... UHHH... REGARDING THAT HUMAN I CALLED YOU ABOUT EARLIER..." The knight, presumably Alphys, turned toward Sans. They asked him something but you couldn't quite hear it. "...HUH? DID I FIGHT THEM? Y-YES! OF COURSE I DID!" He said striking his normal pose of confidence, despite the fact he clearly wasn't his confident self. "I FOUGHT THEM VALIANTLY!" Alphys said something inaudible yet again. "...WHAT? DID I CAPTURE THEM...?" He asked getting out of his trademark pose. "W-W-WELL... NO. I TRIED VERY HARD, ALPHYS, BUT IN THE END... I FAILED." You could hear the disappointment in his voice and it made you feel bad for the guy. "...W-WHAT? YOU'RE GOING TO TAKE THE HUMANS SOUL YOURSELF... BUT ALPHYS, YOU DON'T H-HAVE TO DESTROY THEM! YOU SEE... YOU SEE..." Mid sentence he tried to approach the knight; although the knight turned to face Sans probably glaring at him as he backed away. Then there was silence for a moment, Alphys probably speaking. "... I UNDERSTAND. I'LL HELP YOU IN ANY WAY I CAN." With that being said Sans walked off. 

You would've tried to speak but Papyrus was still covering your mouth. You heard the slightest rustle of the grass and suddenly you heard the metal boots of Alphys stomping to the edge of the cliff. They summoned up what appeared to be an axe. You struggled against Papyrus's grip on you, tears in your eyes in fear of Chara's safety. You watched as Alphys was scanning the grassy area looking for your little sister. You stopped struggling, holding your breath, and praying that Alphys wouldn't notice Chara. Alphys's axe soon disappeared and they walked back into the darkness somehow disappearing. That was when Papyrus released you.

"Papyrus, what the hell?!" You yelled angrily to Papyrus for holding you back.

"what? i was protecting you?!" He exclaimed to you though not yelling, but frustrated with your yelling.

"I didn't need protecting, Chara did! She almost died for crying out loud!" You exclaimed gesturing to the grass a tear falling from your eye at the thought. Papyrus tried to wipe your tear away but you wouldn't let him causing a frown to go across his face.

"...(y/n)... i'm sorry." Papyrus said sounding disappointed in himself. He then teleport away making you feel bad for yelling at him.

"(Y/n)?" You heard Chara's voice from the grass. 

"Chara! Oh my gah, are you ok?!" You asked tackle-hugging them as they got out of the grass.

"I'm fine, but why did you yell at Papyrus? He didn't do anything, did he?" Chara asked you thoroughly confused. 

"Ugh, of course he didn't... he was just trying to protect me and I was just being a jerk for no reason, and now I feel really bad." You said sounding upset with yourself.

"(Y/n), you need to go and apologize. I'll be fine, just trust me on that." She said with her typical look of determination.

"But Chara I have no idea where he went, and I don't want you to be alone with someone trying to kill you." Chara held your cheeks in her hands, she wiped away that stray tear and looked you dead in the eyes.

"Like I said, trust me I'll be fine. And here, call Sans and ask him about Papyrus." Chara said handing you an old looking phone. Must've gotten it from Asgore. You thought to yourself. You then pulled up the contact that said Sans and called him up. He picked up on the first ring. 

"HELLO HUMAN, HOW MAY I HELP YOU?" Sans asked you thinking you were Chara.

"Hey Sans, it's me (Y/n)." You told him.

"(Y/N)? WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH CHARA'S PHONE?" He asked you confusedly.

"I wanted to ask you if you had any idea where Papyrus was. I got upset with him and he just... left." You told Sans, not wanting to explain the whole situation.


"Ok, I'll be right there. Can you make sure he doesn't go anywhere for me, please?" You requested to Sans.

"OF COURSE TALLER HUMAN!" He responded to you.

"Ok, thanks Sans, see you later." 

"GOODBYE (Y/N)!" He said hanging up.

"Ok, here you go Chara," You said handing Chara their phone. "Now, if you have any problems just call Sans. Despite the things he said... I still trust him." you said referring to his conversation with Alphys which Chara just nodded at. You then rushed off back to Snowdin to get back to the skelebros' house to apologize to Papyrus.

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