Chapter 11

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As the world shifted and changed and you arrived at Muffet's bakery, the smells of her baked goods tingled all your senses. "Ah this place smells so good." You breathed out after you took a big whiff.

"i know right, it's so awesome here." Papyrus said as he walked you both back up to the bar.

Once you both sat down one of the fellow bar goers asked, "hey weren't you two just here for breakfast about half an hour ago?"

"nah, I haven't had breakfast in at least an hour. you must be thinking about brunch." Papyrus said as he winked with a finger gun making you giggle.

"Hey you two! Back again I see?" Muffet said as she was rollerskating your way.

"Yep," You said with a smile. "Anything new happen in the last half an hour?" You asked mostly just to start conversation.

"Well... Nope. Papyrus is usually the comic relief in here. When he's in here somethin always happens." Muffet said with a laugh.

"i take that as a compliment." Papyrus said joining the conversation.

"Anyway... the usual I suppose?" Muffet asked Papyrus.

"you know it." he said with a finger gun.

"What about you (Y/n)? Same thing as last time?" Muffet asked you.

"Yes please." You said with a nod. 

"Alright I'll be right back with those orders for you." Muffet said, skating away. You and Papyrus then waited for the food to arrive as you have in the past. The food came out in a fairly short amount of time. 

"Thanks Muffet." You said as she placed down the food and walked away. Before you began to eat it seemed as if time stood still. 

"hey hun, have you ever heard of a talking catdog?" Papyrus asked you. "and i don't mean like your average monster either. i mean a legit catdog." Papyrus further explained.

"Well... Considering catdogs aren't an actual thing on the surface, I haven't, and if there were I doubt they would talk. So no. But being down here I'm beginning to think anything is possible." You responded.

"i haven't heard of such a thing either, but sans told me something interesting the other day. apparently this catdog that i've been explaining to you will just show up and talk to sans when he's all alone. it whispers to him flattery... advice... encouragement... predictions. i think someone might be trying to play a trick on him with a puppet or something, i dunno, but just keep an eye out, ok?" Papyrus explained to you making you grow concerned for Sans.

"Of course. You might want to tell this to Chara as well. She did get down here before me after all, maybe she knows something." You said trying to help in anyway you can.

"alright i'll make sure to do that. thanks." Papyrus spoke with a nod. Time then seemed to fall back into place as movement came back to the bakery/bar. That was... pretty weird. "well, you wanna take your food with? we should probably try to find chara before she gets to far." Papyrus said getting up from his stool. 

"Heh, sure." You said now getting up from your seat taking your food with you. 

"muffet, put it on my tab." Papyrus said as you both walked away. "alright let's go find chara." Papyrus said, wrapping an arm around your waist. Once Papyrus opened the door and you both walked outside, you expected the bitter cold to nip at you; instead, you felt the cool air of Waterfall.

"Heh, I will probably never get used to that." You laughed out making Papyrus laugh as well. You then realized that the sound of a music box was ringing throughout the room. You looked over seeing an umbrella over the top of a statue. Without the umbrella the statue would've been getting rained on. "Hey Papy, did that statue always have an umbrella over it?" You asked out of pure curiosity.

"actually, no, i've seen it everyday for years and it's never once had an umbrella. then again, i don't believe i've heard that melody before either. i guess since it's not getting rained on anymore it's able to play music." Papyrus explained making you hum in response.

"Well... who do you think did it?" You asked. However you then heard footsteps coming from behind. 

"i think i may have an idea." He said turning around. "heya kiddo, did you just waste your time on that piano puzzle?" Papyrus asked making Chara's presence evident.

"Well, I did for a while, but then I took a break to explore and saw that statue getting rained on and that there were umbrellas conveniently placed right next to it. Sooo I put an umbrella on the statue and it started playing that melody and I realized that it was meant for the puzzle. I then went back to the piano and played the keys in the correct order. This door opened and I went inside and there was a freaking awesome legendary artifact inside! When I went to pick it up it said I was carrying to many dogs? And you know that made me really confused, because I don't remember picking up any dogs. So I went in my inventory and there was a little sleeping puppy and I thought he was super cute so I just left him there, because no legendary artifact was worth leaving the puppersnups. Then when I left just now the dog was gone, so now I'm even more confused." Chara explained confusing you as well.

"Huh... that is strange. I wanna check this out." You said walking up to Chara. "You mind showing me where it is?" You asked her as you cocked a brow. 

"Sure." Chara said leading the way, You and Papyrus following close behind. She then lead you up a small path and pointed up to an opening in a wall. "It's right there." 

"Alright, I'm gonna try and figure this out. You hang with Paps for a few, ok? Pretty sure he had something to ask you." You said as you rested a hand on her shoulder.

"Ok, you just gonna be in there?" Chara asked.

"Yeah I won't go anywhere." You said now ruffling her hair.

"Ugh! Well alright see you in a few." Chara said as she straightened out her hair.

"Ok, see ya Paps." You said giving him a kiss on his cheekbone. 

"see ya hun." Papyrus responded giving you a wink, a light dusting of orange on his cheekbones.

"Later kiddo." You said giving Chara a kiss on the forehead then heading toward the strange opening in the wall. Before you walked in, you checked your inventory just to be sure nothing was suspicious. Everything seemed in order, but once you walked inside you checked it again, but now you are holding an annoying dog. "What the?" You decided to walk up to the artifact and sure enough you weren't allowed to get it as long as you had that dog. You decided to 'deploy' the dog. The dog was a little white, adorable fluffball. He looked at you, yipped a few times out of excitement, and then approached the artifact. To your surprise he somehow absorbed the artifact! Then some kinda dog song played as the dog floated away and flew through a wall. "...I have so many questions!" You exclaimed in utter confusion. Now you have nothing to do but question all logic in life.

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