Chapter 19

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"so, what do you need answered again?" Papyrus asked you.

"Basically, what's the deal with that legend?" You asked Papyrus as you looked up to him with a raised brow.

"well, basically, monster legend says that an angel will come from the surface to empty the underground. whether how they do it being malicious or peaceful. basically meaning, kill us all or free us all." Papyrus explained making you grow heftily concerned.

"O-Oh... that got kinda dark," You said making Papyrus laugh slightly.

"yeah... but i'm not worried about it. i mean, the river person said that they were among us and that clearly means either you or the kid and you two are good people," Papyrus explained both warming your heart and making you feel responsible.

"Dang, that sounds like a lot of responsibility," you said while scratching your neck.

"well, it may not be you," He said trying to better the situation.

"But, I don't want a big responsibility like that to be placed on Chara," you said as you rubbed your face. "Ugh, it's just a lot to think about, ya know?" You asked making him hum in response.

"well, i may have never experienced a legend myself for me and my brother, but if it came down to it i wouldn't want that big of a responsibility on sans either," Papyrus said making you lean into his side.

"*sigh* well what am I going to have to do?" You asked him.

"well... that's a bit more difficult... ya see... i don't really know what you'd do. there's no way i can let you go to the queen cause she'll kill ya... but that is where the barrier is. although, even if you were to make it to the barrier, i still don't know how you'd break it. essentially we're still in a predicament with being trapped down here," he explained making you hum in response.

"Hm.. I think I'm beginning to understand better," you said as you nodded your head with a hum. "So, how would one break the barrier?" You asked him. "And why would the queen kill me?" You added making him stiffen.

"w-well, about that... the barrier can only be broken by the power of seven human souls... we have six. it's either that or somehow get the power of seven mages but that's highly unlikely," Papyrus said making you gasp slightly.

"Wait... That means... with Chara and I here... we are just hindering the monsters escape... you all are so close yet so far away with the fact of us being here and still living-"

"(y/n), i'm gonna stop you right there. you aren't hindering us. you two are good people who don't deserve death. i'm sure one day a bad human will come down here more deserving of that than you two innocent souls. i mean, both of you have no lv. i know cause i checked both of your stats the moment you exited the ruins. and besides, with you two around, i'm sure everything will be a hell of a lot more interesting," Papyrus said in an attempt to ease your conscious.

You laughed a little at his last statement seeing as it brought a small smile to your face. "Thanks, Papy," you said as you looked up at him. He then placed a small kiss on your forehead and held you close in a hug.

"s'no problem hun," he said as he looked down at you with a smile of reassurance.

"Heh... you know it's funny..." Papyrus hummed in response asking you to continue. "Ever since Chara was a baby, I've been telling her the story of the monsters yet having no idea of whether or not it was true and not knowing a thing about it in general. You've truly opened my mind today, Papyrus, and you've given me a lot to think about."

"hmm... well just don't get thinking about it too much, alright? we don't need you doing something you might regret," He told you making you hum in response as he ruffled your hair.

"Yeah, that's understandable," you responded.

"alright, s'now you ready to head back to snowdin?" He asked you making you chuckle at his small pun. "that is if you don't have anymore questions," he finished.

"*Sigh* I think I'm good for now, but can I ask more questions if I have them later?" You asked making him scoff slightly.

"hun, why would i prevent you from understanding the underground?" He asked you rhetorically.

"Ok, fair enough," you said as you rolled your eyes making him chuckle at your reaction.

"alright, brace yourself, and not just for travel. you're about to meet alphys after all, and she just burnt down her house. you know she's gotta be a live wire without me even telling you that," he said making you nod your head and laugh nervously.

"Yeah, you right, you right," you said in agreement as you scratched your neck nervously.

"aye, it'll be fine, i won't let anything happen. 'sides, sans already told her about you apparently, so it should be fine," he said making you look somewhat reluctant.

"No offense to Sans because I love that little cinnamon roll like I love my baby sister, but the last time we relied on him for everything to be alright, Alphys's house caught on fire while Chara was there," you said making Papyrus chuckle some.

"hun, when you're around the gang long enough, you'll understand that that's a norm for us," Papyrus explained making you heftily concerned.

"...How often does Alphys burn down her house?" You asked.

"welp, her and sans do cooking lessons on a daily basis... they use the oven about once a week... so about once a week," Papyrus explained yet again making you heftily concerned.

"That's terrible! Why does she even have a house?! How can she afford to rebuild her house?!" You asked multiple questions only making him laugh.

"these sound to me like conversations and questions you should be having and asking  alphys," he said as he ruffled your hair yet again. "let's just go so you can ask her how she can afford it all, ok?" He said as he pulled away from you slightly.

"Alright, Let's just go before I get more questions than answers than I already have," You said jokingly making him laugh.

Moments later, you closed your eyes and felt the world shift around you. You felt the cool air on your skin and heard the crunch of snow beneath your feet. You were back in the Christmasy village known as Snowdin.

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