Chapter 12

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"Well, that was a waste of time." You said after your five-minute session of confusion. Oh well, better get up now, Chara and Paps will probably be back soon. You thought to yourself as you got up from your spot on the ground. You decided to walk back to the room with the statue so you could listen to the music box play.

Walking back into the room you heard the tune of the music box. It brought a smile to your face as you hummed along with it. You decided to sit back down against the wall and in front of the statue to relax. Continuing to hum, you decided to try and make up some funny lyrics to sing along to.

"I've been Waiting for Cha-ra,
And Papy for a while,
I am getting pre-tty bored,
That's why I'm sing-ing this!
If an-y-one is a-round,
I swear I'm not cra-zy,
I just like to sing B. S.
When I am sup-er bored!
I am sure you'd un-der-stand,
If you were like me too,
That is why we could be friends,
Cause I'm a we-ird-o!-"

"That's right, you are kinda a weirdo," Chara said making you gasp out of being startled.

"Geez you scared the crap outta me!" You exclaimed as you got up.

"sweet lyrics hun," Papyrus said. "not bad singing either." He finished with a wink making you scoff a bit.

"Please, I was just BS-ing. Also, whatever Chara! I have fun!" You said defending your stupidity.

"Hey, you called yourself a weirdo, I was just confirming it." She said backing up her argument.

"Yeah, but I was saying it jokingly. Get on my level Baby sibs." You said teasingly as you ruffled her hair.

"Ugh! Why are you so determined in ruining my hair over everything else?!" She exclaimed in frustration.

"Well, it's a lot more fun than everything else." You said telling the truth.

"Pfft, whatever, I don't see how it's fun," Chara said fixing her hair.

"It's an older sibling thing, right Papy?" You asked as you faced Papyrus's direction with a raised brow.

"definitely." He said looking down at Chara.

"Sooo, being the older sibling means you can be jerks?" She said sarcastically.

"Well, we aren't total jerks. We care about you guys so much to the point where we are overly protective of you and love you lots." You said embracing Chara in a hug. "Besides, why else would I follow you all the way down here when the monsters were just an urban legend." You said pulling away from Chara. "Not that I'm putting down monster kind or anything! You guys are so much sweeter and nicer than humanity." You said facing Papyrus.

"thanks huh, i know you don't mean any ill intent." Papyrus said waving it off. "but yeah chara, older siblings may like to tease their little siblings, but that doesn't mean we love them any less." Papyrus explained supporting your side.

"Why did this basically become a life lesson? Why couldn't we just continue to have fun and mess around?" Chara said a little annoyed that she was getting a little lecture.

"Hey, any sibling time is potentially life lesson time!" You said full of enthusiasm.

"Alright, sure, whatevs big sibs," Chara said brushing off your enthusiasm. "I would like to continue exploring if you don't mind. I can learn some life lessons of my own I think." Chara said with a big smile on her face. 

You smiled back before speaking, "Alright, have fun you little scamp." You said ruffling her hair yet again before letting her go. 

"Alright, I will!" Chara exclaimed before she ran off grabbing an umbrella on the way. 

"And don't die!" You exclaimed before she ran out of sight.

"I won't!" You heard her call back.

"Sooo, what do we do now, Papy?" You said raising a brow in his direction. He just made the 'I dunno' noise and shrugged. "Well, did you get any information out of Chara?" You asked gesturing for him to walk and talk with you, as you both then went in the direction Chara just ran off in. 

"actually, i did," He said wrapping an arm around your waist. 

"Really?" You asked in surprise.

"yes, apparently she met that cat-dog thing the moment she landed in the underground. the mangy mutt/feline actually tried to kill them and take their soul." Papyrus said making you gasp with concern. 

"How did they even survive?!" You asked with awe. 

"apparently, asgore showed up and saved her at the perfect moment," Papyrus explained.

"Nice, I knew I could trust that guy," you said with a sigh of relief. Papyrus then grabbed an umbrella, opening it up for you both to use. You both then walked in the rain in peace and quiet, the only sound being the rain hitting the ground or the umbrella. After a little bit of walking, you decided to speak, "It's so beautiful here..." You said resting your head against Papyrus's ribs. You then heard Papyrus breath in as if he was about to say something, but you cut him off, "don't you dare say the corny 'not as beautiful as you' thing." You said mostly to tease.

"but hun, they don't call me cheeto for nothing," he said making you giggle.

"Pfft, because, you're cheesy and corny?" You said completing his pun making him chuckle.

"heheh, yes," he said chuckling. "plus, the orange hoodie... never fails." He said pointing out his hoodie.

"Yeah, but if it was just the hoodie and not your awesome jokes, I think people would call you a carrot," You said.

"heh, oh really? why's that?" Papyrus said clearly to edge you on.

"Well, you know, because you're super tall and obviously skinny... and then there's the orange hoodie, basically the whole reason you'd be called a carrot," You rambled.

"heh, you're adorable hun." He said smiling down at you.

"Heheh, pfft, what? I'm not even trying," you giggle out as you looked up at him.

"eh you don't have to," he said leaning a little closer to your face. You just blushed like crazy at his simple act and looked away. You heard him hum a little in confusion as you looked away.

"You... you are precious. You just are." You said turning back to him after you collected yourself. "You sweet pea you," you said poking one of his ribs which made him chuckle a little bit. 

"well, you'll just forever remain adorable, what you just did fully confirmed it, one-hundred percent." He said making you grow tsundere. 

"Psh, whatever. Fine. I don't care anymore," You said the blush ever prominent on your face as you crossed your arms. He then kneeled down to kiss the top of your head making tomatoes jealous of you. You covered your face with your hands and started mumbling incoherent words making Papyrus chuckle. Ugh, why am I so shy when he flirts with me?! It's so annoying!

"see, adorable," he said sounding proud of himself.

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