Chapter 3

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Chara POV

"sup kiddo?" Papyrus asked me.

"Alright so this is about that thing I told you about (y/n) earlier ago." I told him.

"yeah, why has she been upset lately?" I scratched the back of my neck trying to think of a way to explain it.

"Well... let's just say that people on the surface aren't exactly the nicest to her." Papyrus seemed surprised by this.

"what? how? she seems like one of the nicest people in the world." He exclaimed sounding somewhat disgusted.

"I know and she is, it's just- I don't even understand it. but she has this Asshole of a boyfriend that she's actually afraid to break up with. And I know she doesn't want to be with him, she's just afraid of what he'll do." Papyrus was taken back by that too. He looked furious.

"kid. i dunno if you should tell me anymore. but i'm gonna have to have a talk with your sister later. i may not know either of you that well, but i just feel like i've known you both for a while now, and i really care about her and... i just don't like this." He said shaking himself off knowing he's rambling. "look, just go catch up with your sister when we all hit snowdin i'm gonna have a talk with her alright?"

"Of course, just please don't tell her I said a bad word. She won't be happy with me."

"heh, you're more concerned for getting in trouble for saying a bad word than you talking about her personal life."

"Trust me she cares more about the mistakes I make than she does her own. She'll be more upset that I said a bad word at my age than her own problems." He gave a light laugh.

"heh, she's a good sister, she just worries about you."

"Yeah I know, that's why I like you Papyrus, I trust you with my sibs." He gave a lazy nod.

"don't mention it kid, you just catch up with your sister she's probably worried about you."

(Y/n) POV

(I'm mixing up the Snowdin forest areas just deal with it.)

"*sigh* I'm so boooooored..." you said clearly bored with just standing around waiting for Chara. You saw a giant snowball and you shrugged thinking no problem in pushing it. So you began to push it. You noticed as you were pushing it that it was also getting a little smaller. You also noticed that there was a big hole in the distance that looked perfect for the snowball, so you began to push it over there. You then went over there pushing the ball as fast as you could a look of utter joy on your face at the fun you were having.

By the time you got it in the hole a flag came out with the color dark blue. It told you "Hopping and twirling, your original style pulled you through. (You are awarded 2G.)" You thanked the hole for the 2G, and then you went back to where you came from to wait on Chara.

You noticed the ball was there again though and you couldn't help yourself. You had to push it again. And so you played once more. Although this time you had played with more skill. The ball was moving in more accurate directions along the path and Once it made it to the hole a different colored flag appeared, the color yellow. It told you, "Your sure-fire accuracy put an end to the mayhem of "Ball." (You are awarded 3G.)" you thought to yourself this is really cool! Which it was, a hole was literally giving you money just to push the snowball in it!

You went back to the beginning hoping Chara was there so you could tell her about the awesome snowball money game. When you made it back Chara was indeed there, so you ran up to her exclaiming "CHARA! CHARA! CHARA!" She replied.

"What! What! What!" You then planted your hands on her shoulders.

"Dude. There's this snowball game I've been playing, and it's literally giving me money at the end!" You said pointing to the snowball.

"Whoa no way! I gotta play this!" She said looking determined as she rolled up her sleeves. You stepped aside letting her do her thing. You then decided to actually take in the area. You saw a dude standing at some sorta stand. (Very descriptive me good job) You also saw Papyrus standing in a corner. You thought to yourself, I'll talk to this dude over here first he seems kinda down. You walked over to the guy although he seemed to have not noticed you.

"Uh, hey man! What's goin on over here?" The guy instantly perked up.

"Oh wow! An actual customer!?" He exclaimed with joy. He seemed to be a cat like dude. "Hey, I'm selling some burgers. They're 15G, that is if you want any?" You pulled out the G you just won plus some you got back in the ruins.

"Here you go, I'll take two!" You said excitedly wanting some burgers for both you and Chara. You handed him 30 G and then he handed you the burgers.

"There you go, have a radical day!" (Omg fresh lol) he said as he handed you the burgers.

"Thanks you too!" You then walked off leaving someone very happy. It looked like Chara was still having fun with that snowball game. That or she was struggling. It's hard to tell if she's having fun with games cause she always has such a frustrated looking expression when playing games because she gets super competitive. Anyway so you decided to go over and talk to Papyrus.

"heya hun, what's up?" Papyrus asked you as you approached.

"Oh not much, I was just playing that game it's so cool!"

"oh yeah, that game is literally just called the ball game. i hear it's supposed to give you g."

"Oh man it does, I got like 5G I think!"

"good for you hun. hey, um, this is gonna sound really random, but when we get to town do you mind comin by my house so we can talk?"

"Oh sure, you want Chara to come with?" He waved it off.

"nah, sans'll hang out with 'em. i was kinda hoping for some one on one time with each other." You were a little surprised at this.

"Oh! Sure of course!" You said sounding excited For the one on one time making Papyrus smile.

"heh alright, town actually isn't to far from here but i still need to help sans with some of the puzzles."

"No prob bob, I totally understand." You said totally not understanding why he even mentioned it but oh well.

"oh yeah, when you head back to chara can you tell them i need to talk to em?" You looked at him furrowing your brow.

"What are y'all even talking about when I'm not around?" You questioned getting a little perturbed with the two. (Or was it jealousy!? DUN DUN DUUUUUHN!!!! Lol no I'm not writing a yandere reader.)

"that's kinda why i wanna talk to you in town." He said scratching his neck. You raised a brow but just shook it off.

"Well ok. As long as y'all aren't planning something bad. Or trying to prank me. You seem like the kinda guy that would prank people Heheheh." You said easing some tension making Papyrus laugh.

"what? me? never." He said clearly sarcastically making you laugh.

"Psh whatev, I'll go tell Chara to talk to you I wanna win some more G!" You said sounding like a kid in a candy store making Papyrus laugh some more as you ran off. You heard him yell have fun to you and you replied with "Of course" as you dashed off to Chara.

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