Chapter 5

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You open your eyes to see the inside of the skelebros home. (It's the same) "You have a lovely home." You said as he put you on the couch.

"thanks hun." He seemed a little put off.

"Are you ok Papyrus?" You asked him as you cocked a brow.

"i'm fine, but are you ok?" He asked you seeming serious.

"Well, yeah, of course, why wouldn't I be?"

"chara, told me we should talk." at this point you were thoroughly confused.

"Talk about what?" You questioned.

"...your life on the surface." You were kinda taken back by this. Why would Chara tell Papyrus about your personal life?

"Um... well what did she tell you?"

"not enough. she dropped some information but said i should ask you for more."

"Ok..? Well what do you want to know?" You asked him still not sure of what he actually knew.

"tell me about your boyfriend." The way he said 'boyfriend' was laced with anger.

"What did Chara tell you about... him." You didn't even like to consider him your boyfriend, but there's no hiding facts.

"virtually nothing, other then you are scared to leave him." You looked down at your lap beginning to fight back tears. Chara knew I was scared? Why didn't she tell me anything?!

"I wanna know how she knows... but I'll ask her later." You mumbled mostly to yourself. "Yes Papyrus, I am scared to break up with him. I really, really, really want to, but I honestly can't."

"why not (y/n)?!" he said sounding frustrated, he just wants to understand. "what has he been doing to you?!" he asked with more concern and urgency kneeling down in front of you holding onto your shoulders as you continued fighting back tears.

"H-He..." Papyrus waited patiently for your response. "At first h-he drove a-all my friends away... when he did that he was all I had left other than Chara. The thing with my friends, that's when I should've ended it. But instead I was a fool to stay with him. Anytime I wouldn't do what he asked- no commanded- he would beat the hell out of me til I gave in or passed out." A single tear shed down your cheek. Papyrus instantly noticed and took one of his hands cupping your cheek, he made you look up at him. He wiped your tears away with his thumb, you could tell he wasn't happy at all. "I... I'm s-so sorry." You said as you began to sob. Papyrus instantly wrapped his arms around you trying to calm you in your fragile state.

"hun, none of this is your fault. you don't need to apologize for anything." He said picking you up like a child. (Something like this but obviously not as happy.)

You just continued to sob in Papyrus's shoulder as he rubbed circles into your back

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You just continued to sob in Papyrus's shoulder as he rubbed circles into your back. When he noticed you were calming down he spoke again. "hey hun look at me," you pulled back looking at him. He was a little blurry for a few remaining tears in your eyes. "hang on i'll set you down for a sec so this'll be easier." he sat you back on the couch, you missing his grasp, and he began to wipe away your tears. "alright (y/n), i'm gonna make you a promise, and i'm not one who takes promises lightly." He said clearly being serious. "when the monsters return to the surface, you and i are going to take care of this situation, ok?" he said making sure you understood. You sniffled but agreed. "now is there anything else you think i should know about?" You thought for a moment.

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