Chapter 2

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(Spongebob narrator voice)

~one monologue later~

"ok you two can come out now." The skeleton now known as Papyrus told you both.

"Alright lemme properly introduce myself." You then held out your hand for him to shake. "My name's (y/n), it's nice to meet you." You said semi excited.

"name's papyrus, and uh same." He said shaking your hand. "now I hate to do this to you again but you two should probably get going. he may come back you know, and if he does... you'll have to sit through more of my hilarious puns." He said the end with a wink making you giggle.

"Dang I really like your puns. Maybe I'll just stick around so I can hear some more." You said slightly elbowing him in the ribs. He laughed a little at this.

"You do that and I leave without you." Chara said not wanting to hear more jokes.

"Awe come on you don't let me have fun." You whine to Chara as you both start to walk off.

"I swear I should be older than you."

"I'm wounded, you wound me." Before you two walked out of the area Papyrus stopped you.

"hey, i hate to bother you two but can i ask you both to do me a favor?"

"Oh, yeah sure what's up?" You said turning around to paps.

"well, i was thinking, my brother has been kinda blue lately... well despite his fashion choices, but you know kinda down. anyway he's never seen a human before and seeing you two just might make his day."

"But didn't you say he's a 'human hunting fanatic'?" You questioned.

"yeah but don't worry, he's not dangerous, even if he tries to be." He said with a wink.

"Heh alright, sure, no problem."

"thanks a quintillion. i'll be up ahead." and then he walked off in the other direction.

"I guess I won't question his logic." You said slightly confused with his direction skills.

"Yeah let's just not question it." You both then walked ahead a bit and lol and behold there was Papyrus and his brother Sans.

"SO AS I WAS SAYING ABOUT ALPHYS-" he cut himself off seeing you two. You and Chara were looking at each other back and forth, puzzled with how Papyrus beat you both, while Sans and Paps were doing the same but because of your presence. When the two parties stopped their spinning they spoke to their partners. You were to busy talking to Chara to hear what the other two were talking about.

"Chara. How the hell did he beat us!?" You whisper yelled.

"I dunno!?" She whisper yelled right back (this whole little part is gonna be whisper yelling) "He does live here so he knows his way around better than us."

"Yeah, but it just doesn't make any logical sense. He was literally going in the opposite direction!"

"I really don't know, just ask him later! I don't have the answers! I'm not a psychic!" You were about to say something but you were interrupted by Sans's yelling.

"HUMANS! YOU SHALL NOT PASS THIS AREA! FOR I, THE MAGNIFICENT SANS, WILL STOP YOU! GO FURTHER ONLY IF YOU DARE! MWEHEHEHEHE!" Then he ran off... again. So you walked up to Papyrus with a look of total confusion on your face.

"heh, what's wrong hun? you seem really confused." Ignoring the nickname you went straight to the questions.

"How, in the name of Sam Hill did you beat us!?"

Save them US Papyrus x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now