Chapter 22

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You and Undyne began making your trek to the dump. You didn't exactly see why going to a dump would be fun, but you wanted to learn as to why. "Sooo, Undyne, What is it that you and Alphys do at the dump that's so fascinating?" You asked as you both walked through the tunnel connecting the hotlands to the waterfalls.

"O-Oh, w-well, I usually do s-some of my best thinking at the dump. Plus, s-seeing the technology of t-the surface world also helps me with I-Ideas in order to m-modernize the underground. A-And there's also a-anime and m-manga there," she explained making you hum and nod your head in response.

"Hm... well that's definitely a valid explanation as to why you find interest in the dump, but you didn't say what you and Alphys enjoy doing at the dump." You said making Undyne blush and turn her face away from you for a moment.

"O-Oh... r-right..." she said as she scratched the back of her neck in awkward response. "T-To be honest... I-I don't know why she l-likes going to the dump with me... b-but she does... M-Maybe it's because I t-teach her about some of the h-humans culture, o-other than that I-I don't know." She said seeming like she wasn't really speaking her mind.

"Hmm... you sure there isn't anything else that you're leaving out?" You asked her.

"Mmm... w-well in the p-past she said she e-enjoyed my 'nerd talk'." Undyne said with a clear as day blush on her face.

"Aw, care to tell me about it?" You said with a raised brow of curiosity.

"W-Well you see, (Y/n), Alphys and I actually m-met at the dump. I-I Was starring off into the d-dark abyss of one o-of the waterfalls, I-I tend to do that in o-order to concentrate o-or think about my l-life..." She was then silent for a moment as she tried to collect her words. "Anyway, now I-I've forgotten what it was e-exactly that I was thinking a-about at the time, but Alphys was there, watching me. Wh-when she came up t-to talk to me, I-it startled me m-more than I'd like to a-admit, hehe..." she said as she laughed awkwardly then clearing her throat. "*ahem* a-Anyway... I-I don't know why, but Alphys a-approached me and said, 'looks like it drops down forever, I wonder how deep it is,' And I instantly shrieked but I calmed down seeing that Alphys was looking up at me smiling." Undyne explained making you smile.

"Aww, what happened next," you said making Undyne blush.

"O-Oh... well I-I uh, went into a detailed scientific explanation as to how deep the hole could possibly be yet how we may never know how deep it is due to how deep it is," Undyne explained, confusing you only slightly but after reciting what she said in your head you understood. "I-I know it may s-sound confusing, b-but you'd just have to s-see it; I-It's just a r-really deep hole, I-I'll show you later." She then looked over to you in a slight panic, "th-that is, of course, I-if you want to see it."

"Well of course I wanna see it! It does sound pretty cool if it's that deep after all. Anyway what did Alphys do after you explained it to her?" You asked, full of curiosity as to these two's past.

"W-Well She was a-actually interested in my 'n-nerd talk' saying that I-I explained it well, and w-we went back to her house to hang out and t-talk more," Undyne explained making you smile yet again.

"That's so nice, you two would be so cute together," you explained making her blush and hide her face in her hands slightly.

"O-Oh... n-no... pr-probably not... I'm trash and she's... well... n-not," Undyne explained making you furrow your brows and as you were about to protest she spoke again. "B-Besides, I-I'm going on a date with y-you, n-not Alphys," she explained making you huff silently to yourself. "O-Oh looks like we're here!" She said happily as you two have made it to the dump.

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