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Published: March 18th 2018

Edited: January 6th 2020

The eraser of her pencil rhythmically taps against the wooden desk. Her eyes lazily sweeping across the room.

Her 'cousin' Samuel James Witwicky stands at the head of the classroom. Hands gesturing wildly as he explains the sextant he holds between his sweaty palms.

She rolls her eyes as he once again mentions his EBay page featuring each item.

By the time the bell rings Spencer is half asleep. Grumbling she stands from the hard plastic chair and slings her bag over her shoulder.

"That was... interesting." The brunette comments to no one. Her locker swings open and she shoves her notebooks into the cramped metal container.

With a grumble she begins to walk toward the door.

"Spencer!" Someone calls from behind. She spins in her heel and faces Mikaela her best friend. "You're coming to the party right?" Her chocolate eyes shining with hope.

" You bet, I'll see ya there Mickey." The two hug quickly and part ways.

A smile makes its way into Spencer's face as she spots the familiar green convertible. She slides into the back seat carelessly and relaxed.

"Hey Ron!" She mumbles. Her eyes partially closed with her hair spread across the back of the car. He chuckles in response.

"Hey Spence. How was school?" Terrible.

"Brilliant," Came her sarcastic reply. He laughs and returns to drumming his fingers on the leather steering wheel.

With a sigh, she closes her eyes and enjoys the peace. Until it's disturbed by Samuel's excited shrieks.

"I GOT AN A!!" He cries leaping into the front seat of the car. The vehicle dips lower to the ground as he sits on the leather seat.

"Hold still! Let me see!" Ron steadies his hand with a firm grip.

"An A- but it's still an A." Sam reassures, mostly himself. "So we're good?"

"We're good." Sam cheers to himself, causing Spencer to grumble as she sits in the back, trying to ignore him.

"Oh shut up Spencer." Sam growls at the secret billionaire.

As they moved toward the car dealership, Spencer continues to grumble. Never before had she hated doing something so much.

Suddenly her phone rings. Her eyes snap open and she scrambles to pick up the device.

The white text blazed across the Apple product reads,


With a slight smile she presses the green button at the bottom of the screen before raising the phone to her ear.


'Hey Jaguar, what's up?'

'Nothing much Anthony, you?'

'With the Witwicky's? Well then I'll make this quick. The Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division, has contacted me and they would like for me to join them in stopping a world wide international threat. Go.'

'It's your decision Fratello.'

'Don't go using that Italian shit against me.'

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