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Today's the day. Sam is finally following in his 'cousin's' footsteps and moving out of his parent's place. Something that's been coming since the first time the teen was grounded. He scoffs at the memory. He throws a few more articles of clothing into the brown cardboard box before sealing it.

His hands find the sweater he wore the day he, Spencer and Mikaela fought in Mission city.

"Come on! Let's go! All hands on deck!" Ron's voice echoes from downstairs. Sam shakes off the memory and throws the sweater onto his now stripped bed. Sam walks downstairs box in hand, "Frankie, Mojo, out. C'mon kiddo we're on a schedule."

"Slow down, Dad." Sam's face screws up annoyedly, "Why are you in such a hurry to get rid of me? Did you rent the room out?"

"No, I've got other ideas for your room, and it rhymes with 'home theatre.'"

Sam shakes his head and turns to head back up the stairs only to run into Judy, "Look what I found! It's your baby booties." In her hands is a pair of small blue boots made out of soft fabric with blue pompoms on the front.


"My little baby-bootie boy." She whimpers latching onto him. He gently shakes her off and looks accusingly at Ron, "You can't go!"

"You see this, Dad?" Sam gestures toward his mother, "This is how you're supposed to react when the fruit of your loins goes out into the cruel world to fend for himself, okay?"

Ron laughs, "Yeah, my heart bleeds for you pal. College, bummer." Ron leaves the house boxes in hand, taking them to the waiting car.

"You have to come home every holiday. Not just the big ones!" Judy follows Sam back upstairs to his now almost empty room, "You have to come home for Halloween."

"Well, I can't come home for Halloween, Mom." Sam shakes his head at his mother's overreaction.

"Well, then we'll come to you and we'll bring Spencer with us and be one big happy family on Halloween."

"Mom, you're not coming."

"We'll dress up. We'll be in costumes you'll never know it's us!"

"You can't do that mom!" Sam is borderline yelling at this point.

Ron steps in interrupting the bickering, "Would you let the kid breathe, for crying out loud?" Ron's expression is beyond irritated, he gestures to Judy, "Come on," then to Sam, "Go pack." The two do as told and Sam returns to examining the sweater.

Sam can hear the two parents talking/shouting about whether or not they're packed for their month-long vacation.

Sam leaves his room and sees his parents being... dirty? "Dad, Dad, Dad, Woah!"


"I'm watching what you're doing, Dad. This is not a rap video." Sam semi-covers his eyes, one peeking out to prove his point.   

"It's like a coach thing." 

"That was a really creepy move just now, Dad." Sam shakes his head at his parents, although he won't admit it out loud, he is going to miss these two. 

Ron sighs at his son, "You know your mother and I are proud of you." Sam smiles awkwardly at the notion, "You're the first Witwicky to ever go to college! Not even Spencer went!" Sam gives his father an exasperated look at the mention of his stand-in sibling.

"You're comparing me to Spencer, the super genius?" 

Judy lets out a loud sob, "Now I'm crying again! This sucks!" She walks away trying to stifle her sobs. 

"You're going to be okay, Ma," Sam calls to her about to follow her before his father interrupts his advances; tears of his own coming to his already wet eyes.

"You know, It's just going to be," he chokes on his words for a moment, "you know, hard for her to accept that her boy's all grown up, you know," Sam raises an eyebrow as Ron's words turn into a mumble, "going out to handle the world on his own." 

"You okay Pops?"


Ron then spies the two dogs on the couch and his robust demeanour returns just as fast as it was gone, "Mojo! No dominating Frankie!" He runs up to them and throws them off the couch, "Get the hell off of my couch, you filthy beasts! You'll see a lot of that in college too." 

"What are you talking about, Dad?"

"There's... going to be a lot of women there." Sam rolls his eyes, again, as his mind wanders to Mikaela, who he's determined he'll never leave. 

"Yeah, well, I'm a one woman kind of guy."

His father sighs, "look, Mikaela's the greatest, but you've gotta give each other room to grow. Okay? You're no different than any other couples your age."

"Except we discovered an alien race together." Sam retorts, annoyed the notion of possibly breaking up with his girlfriend.

"How long are you gonna be riding that scooter?" The day Ron and Judy found out about the Cybertronians was a strange day indeed. 


Bee twiddles his thumbs nervously, watching Ron and Judy who stare up at him. He waves one of him hands shyly, whirring his greetings. 

Judy opens her mouth to speak, then closes it again. Not able to find the words. She looks to Ron, then to Sam, then to Bumblebee. She turns quickly and rushes back into the house. Murmuring about how 'this can't be real.'

Ron stares only at Sam for around ten minutes, before promptly fainting in the grass.

"That went well."


"Dad listen, I know what the odds are. But we're the exception okay?" Sam looks down at his phone seeing Mikaela blazed across the screen, "Wait a second. Who could that be?" Mikaela twirls her hair on the other end and smiles at Sam's voice.

"In two weeks, it could be Muffy." 

Sam smirks, "Hey, beautiful."

"I'm breaking up with you Sam." His smile falters for a moment before he shakes his head. 

"You sure? There wasn't much conviction in that." 

"Well, I am okay? So there's no reason for me to come to say goodbye to you." Sam's expression softens and he listens to the heartbroken voice through the phone.

"Wow. You almost sounded serious that time. Guess what. I made you a long distance relationship kit. Spencer sent me a webcam so we can video chat 24/7. All Witwicky, all the time. And I got you a couple souvenirs from the event that must not be mentioned on cellphones. Little candles and mixes and stuff." 

"Sounds cute," Sam pouts, "I can't wait."

"Hey! You want the infamous D-Day sweater?" Sam exclaims, remembering the old ratty sweater upstairs on his bed. 

"You kept your nasty shredded clothes?"

"Yeah, of course, I kept it, Mikaela."

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