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Spencer's eyes flutter open, the sun shines through the window of her bedroom. The apartment is silent. Natasha must've already left. She stretches her arms above her head, a squeak leaving her lips. The tower hums to life meaning, miraculously, Tony is awake before noon.

The 18-year-old glances to the alarm clock at her bedside. 6:50 a.m August 21 Happy Birthday! She groans, she hates her birthday. Every year she tells Tony no parties, but...

Anyway, she's turning 19, a milestone for her. With her brother around, she thought she'd never make it to 15 let alone here.

Her feet touch the cold floor, sending shivers up and down her spine. With a sigh, she heaves the rest of her body out of the warm comforters. She showers, dresses and heads downstairs.

The elevator doors open on the living floor, only to reveal a vast cloud of smoke. She coughs, waving her hand in front of her face. She heads to the kitchen to discover the Tony, Steve and Bruce attempting to cook, while Thor, Natasha, and Clint watch and laugh. Spencer clears her throat.

"Spence! Happy Birthday!" Tony's voice is raw, most likely form all the screaming he'd been doing.

"Che diavolo è successo qui?" The group quiets not understanding the language. In response, Spencer laughs, opening the oven to find a blackened something in the oven. "What is that supposed to be?"

Tony chuckles nervously, rubbing the back of his neck, "It's supposed to be your crepes," Spencer looks up at him, pulling the burnt crepes from the oven, and setting them in the garbage, "but, they burnt in the oven."

She shakes her head looking back to the hysterical Thor, who's laughter almost shakes the entire building. She goes to the recipe they had pulled out, the one she'd written down two weeks ago.

"The oven is only supposed to be on for ten minutes at 170. Then you shut it off and put the cooked crepes in." Spencer remakes a triple batch of batter and cooks to crepes, giving the job of toppings to the three stand-in cooks.

Eventually, the table is set and everyone is digging in. The food is gone within ten minutes, and everyone is chattering amongst themselves. Spencer looks around at her relatively new family, smiling at their craziness.

"Oh, Spencer, there's a party for you at 9 get yourself dressed and ready by then, for the rest of the day, go to the spa?" Natasha and Clint perk up at the mention of the spa and volunteer to join her,


Sam types away on the computer, sifting through e-bay. He's forgotten to send Spencer a birthday gift, and Mikaela has been nagging him to get one to her. Today. He sighs, spins around and spies the little chihuahua lounging on the dog bed across the room. He shakes his head, abandoning the computer and heads toward the garage.

The Autobot inside sees him coming and whirs happily, tapping the window to get his attention, waving when he does. Sam enters and pats his foot.

"We need to build you a bigger garage, Bee." The two sit in silence for a moment, "It's Spencer's birthday today. I don't know what to get her." Bee makes a noise of surprise, "Yeah, yeah, I'm about a week late. I was busy!"

The two friends bicker for a few minutes before Sam's mother is screaming that Miles is at the front door. Sam sighs, leaving Bumblebee alone in the garage once again.

Sam approaches Miles, delivering what can be called a 'bro hug' and leading him upstairs to his catastrophe of a room. They laugh and joke around, avoiding the topic of the now brand new Camaro sitting in the garage. But, once again they are being called downstairs by Judy, who says there's someone there for Sam.

The two friends assume its Mikaela so Miles rolls his eyes, annoyed about the sudden appearance. When they arrive downstairs they don't see Sam's girlfriend, but a man in a tailored black suit, dark sunglasses and a white wire running from his ear to beneath his jacket.

"No, no, no I'm done dealing with the government!" Sam gets right up close to the agent looking man.

"I'm not government kid, I'm personal security, the names Happy Hogan and I've been sent to retrieve you." Sam's jaw falls slack, screw that, he's not going with anybody anywhere. "We'll need you to drive, however, the plane has a cargo deck for vehicles." Happy turns around and heads for the uber waiting for him. Sam's gaze snaps to Judy, who's smiling like a complete madman.

"Go already, Sam!" Said boy grumbles and complies but declares over his shoulder that he's bringing Miles with him. The two make their way toward the garage and Bee sees them coming. He transforms back into a Camaro and allows the two to get in.

Sam 'drives' as they follow Happy's uber to the airport, they drive onto the tarmac and into a large cargo plane. Once inside, Sam recognizes the soldiers from the battle of mission city, as he calls it.

"Lennox? Epps? What the hell is going on?" Sam shuts Bee's door and notices Ratchet, Optimus and Iron HIde also on the plane.

"We were hoping you could tell us."

The group socializes during the hour-long flight, Miles remains quietly inside Bee messing with his phone. Which annoys Bumblebee to no end. He thinks about throwing the boy out but decides against it.

Happy descends the stairs and addresses the group, "Prepare for landing." The group all sit in the chairs along the sides of the cargo deck, strapping themselves in. Once the plane lands, everyone piles into the Autobots, Lennox and Epps joining Sam and Miles.

The cargo ramp opens and they see New York City. Sam gapes, are they here for Spencer?

The streets are packed and the Avengers tower is even worse. It's approaching 9 now and outside are velvet ropes and bodyguards. On the plane, Happy gave everyone suits to change into. They exit the cars and walk through the entrance, past plenty of screaming people. Natasha Romanoff greets them, the one who organized the whole surprise for her new best friend.

This is going to be one hell of a party.

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