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Spencer stares at the men questioningly, listening to the approaching footsteps of her family, plus Mikaela.

"Who's asking?" her tone is sharp and unforgiving.

"Classified." He returns her snark with a dose of his own. "Ronald Wickity?"

Ronald grumbles for a second, "It's Witwicky. Who are you?" Spencer slides out of the way of the incoming argument, again.

"We're the government. Sector Seven." Spencer scoffs, didn't this suited guy just say 'classified'?

"Never heard of it." Ron retorts upset with the government agents scattered across the lawn.

"Never will." there's an awkward pause before he continues, "Your kids are the great-grandchildren of Archibald Wickity?"

Ron snorts, "It's Witwicky."

"What the heck is going on here?" at this point Spencer is having trouble keeping up with who is speaking.

"Your son filed a stolen car report last night. We think it's involved in a national security matter."

Sam tenses from behind Spencer.

"National security?"

"That's right. National security." suit guy responds.

Judy begins rambling about the men tearing up their rise bushes and trampling the grass.

"Get me a sample and some isotope readings." Spencer backs into Sam when the man approaches them.

"Drop the bat, ma'am. I'm carrying a loaded weapon." Judy slowly lowers the bat only for Spencer to latch on to it ripping it from her grasp.

"But you'd better get those guys out of my garden, or I am gonna beat the crap out of them!" Judy' threat is now somewhat empty from the lack of a weapon, but Spencer will happily follow through for her.

"Are you experiencing any flu-like symptoms? Aching Joints? Fever?" The 'cousins' share a look before Spencer replies.


"What is this?" Sam attempts to mask the panic in front of his long-time crush but fails.

"How you doing, son? Is your name Sam?" Vestito Ragazzo numero uno completely ignores his inquiry.

Sam, uncomfortable, replies "Yeah."

"Well, I'm gonna need you and your sister to come with us."

"Whoa, way out of line." Ron steps forward just as Spencer does.

"Like hell you do!" she shrieks swinging the bat at the man only to be held back by Mikaela.

"Sir, Spencer, I am asking politely. Back off." Spencer almost lets an inhuman growl escape her throat.

"You're not taking my kids." Ron sneers, and for a moment Spencer is touched. Ron thinks enough of her that he'd protect her as if she were his own.

"Really?" The suit raises an eyebrow, "You gonna try to get rough with us?"

Spencer steps forward once again to defend her guardian. "No, but I'm gonna call the cops." Ron's tone is sharp and leaving little room for argument, just like before, "because there's something fishy going on around here."

"Yeah. There's something a little fishy about you, your son," the suit takes another step into the house, "your little Taco Bell dog and this whole operation you got going on here."

"What operation?" Spencer scoffs, years of lying through her teeth coming to her aid.

"That is what we are gonna find out." Suit scoffs right back.

"I think direct contact." Someone speaks out from the cloud of agents at their front door.

"Spencer, Sam, girl's name I don't know."

"Yeah?" Spencer snarks.

"Step forward. Please?" Mikaela pushes the two forward, toward the man holding some type of scanner.

"Just stand? No cha-cha slide?"

"Fourteen rads." scanner guys informs the suit.

"Bingo! Tag 'em and bag 'em." The agents step forward causing the three teens to back up.

"If you hurt my dog, I'll kick your ass!" the threat from the skinny teenage boy gives little in the way of intimidation.

"Extra chains on that one," he throws his arm to the brunette billionaire, "just say she attempted to assault an officer of the law." suit chuckles heartily. "Get me a sample on that vegetation ASAP!"

Ron tries to push through the wall of government operatives, "Kids! Do not say anything, Kids!" Spencer cranes her neck trying to get a glimpse of her two parental figures, but to no avail.

"Yeah. Not a word until we get a lawyer!" Judy chimes in, just as the three teens are shoved, cuffs and all, into the cramped black sedan.

"So, LadiesMan217? That is your eBay username right?" Sam begins to stutter, creating a completely fake excuse up on the fly.

"Yeah, but, you know," he glances to the two female on either side, "it was a typo, and I ran with it." Spencer covers a snicker with a cough, clearly faking.

"What do you make of this?" Suit turns a tablet around displaying the video Sam had recorded when he saw Bumblebee.

'My name is Sam Witwicky, okay? And my...,' the video stops and both girls turn to the boy, irritated.

"Is that you?"

"Yeah, that sounds like LadiesMan." Mikaela mumbles.

"Last night at the station, you told the officer your car transformed? Enlighten me." Spencer glares at the suit for a moment, before turning the gaze to Samuel.

"Well, here's what I said, okay? 'Cause this is a total misunderstanding that my car had been stolen..." Sam trails off.

"Really? Mikaela, did you know?" Spencer responds in mock astonishment, receiving a shake of the head from her female friend.

"...from me, from my home, but it's fine now because it's back! It came back! Well, not by itself." his sister almost face-palms, can this boy be any more obvious?

"Well, no." Mikaela chimes in, trying to save the poor boy.

"Because cars don't do that, because that would be crazy," Sam responds again.

"That's funny. That is so funny. So what do you kids know about aliens? Huh?"

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