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A/N: Hey guys it's Foxx. Just warning you, my memory of the movie gets fuzzy right around here, so I'll try to be as accurate but, it's not verbatim. Enjoy!

As the convoy of vehicles speed along the highway, the two lanes of cars split down the middle, letting them pass then rejoining behind them.

"Wait a minute, why are we taking the All-Spark, aka the beacon of death, into the most populated area we can get to? Aren't the 'cons going to rip Mission City apart looking for it?"

"Shut up Spencer."

Spencer huffs, crossing her arms and leaning back into her seat. Suddenly she lurches forward rolling the window down and leans out of the opening.

"Optimus!" Said Autobot leader turns sharply, falling into line behind the convoy. Spencer smiles, grateful. The rest of the Autobot team follows suit, sticking close to the yellow Camaro.

The troop hurries toward the city, trying to avoid the oncoming threat. Bee speeds up dramatically and moves the mirrors away from the passengers' vision.

Behind them, Optimus and the team are taking on a horde of approaching Decepticons. The 'cons destroy a line of innocents' vehicles, aiming to hit one of the Autobots.

The yellow Camaro and the military vehicles are soon out of sight of the chaos and within the confines of the city streets.

"The cube's okay?"

Mikaela looks down to the cube in her hands and responds, "Yeah it's fine."

"Put the seatbelt on it." Both females turn towards Sam, eyebrows raised. Eventually, Mikaela complies with an annoyed grumble for good measure.

Sam looks out the back window and begins to panic, "No! No! No! No! No! It's the same cop!" They lose barricade after a series of evasive maneuvers. They pull over, meeting up once again with the military officers.

Spencer approaches the group, powers at the ready. If it means protecting these people she's grown fond of, she'll expose her identity in a heartbeat.

Epps runs in clutching small radios to his chest, "Here, I got shortwave radios."

"Wait, what am I supposed to do with these?"

"Use them! It's all we've got!"

"This is like some radioshack dinosaurs or something."

"You can only get about 20 or 30 miles out of these things." Someone speaks up.

"50 if you let me at them." Spencer is disregarded, "Thought not."

"Are there any aircraft orbiting the city?" Lennox looks to his team, hoping for good news. By now the Autobots are all in the bi-pedal forms, surrounding the human group.

"F-22 at 12:00."

"Alright, I want planes for air cover and Black Hawks on station to extract the cube. You got it." everyone around the circle nods, understanding. Well except the three in possession of the cube.

"Air force has arrived! Pop smoke!" A smoke grenade is thrown and sends up green smoke, a stark contrast against the dark pavement.

"Raptor, Raptor. Do you copy?" The radio crackles, leaving a sinking feeling in Spencer's stomach. The closer the plane gets, the easier it is for Spencer to see, that it is not of the Military. "We have you in sight, green smoke is the mark."

"It's Starscream!"

"Please tell me you copy." The shortwave crackles, leaving no doubt in Spencer's mind. That is a Decepticon.

"Back up! Take cover," the humans all rush toward the cover of stationary vehicles nearby, "Bumblebee!" Ratchet and Bee lift a truck to protect them. But, Spencer doesn't see what happens. A loud explosion that sends debris flying, and leaves ears ringing, blocks the teenager's view.

Slowly the ringing fades, and Spencer can hear Lennox calling out, asking if anyone's hurt. Spencer looks down at her body, nothing. Not a scratch. Odd.

She looks up toward the two Autobots who were in the street, "Oh my god." She rushes forward, tears threatening to spill down her cheeks.

"Bee, your legs." Sam croaks, "Please get up, Bumblebee? Get up!" Spencer rips the distressed teenage boy away from the injured robot.

"What do you want him to do? Run a marathon. His legs are gone!"

Sam glares at her before calling out for the robot medic. He rushes forward and examines Bumblebee, not saying anything for a moment.

Meanwhile, above, there is the sound of a plane. Not an F-22. But something else. A futuristic aircraft touches down in the centre of the street. All chatter stops. Everyone draws their weapons and aiming them at the unidentified flying object.

The back opens, and from it, a group of strangely dressed individuals emerge. Spencer sighs in relief and rushes forward embracing the one who had just come out of a suit, made entirely of metal.

It takes Sam and Mikaela a minute before they realize, the man is Iron-man, aka Tony Stark, aka Billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.

"I heard there was another alien invasion."

A/N Short Chapter but I ran out of time, I'll start another one for tomorrow!

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