Chapter 20

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3 months later...

"Jimin! Wheres the dog food?"

"I'm not sure... It must be in one of the bags.."

I looked at Jimin and let out a loud, dramatic, sigh, clearly pointing out that I was annoyed. He always does this. He makes a shopping list, we go shopping, but he always forgets the dog food. It's like he doesn't even want Jongmin anymore.

"No. It's not. Did you forget?"

"Ummm I don't know..? Maybe?"

He awkwardly laughed, clearly scared of forgetting something so simple.

"You always forget the damned dog food. This is so annoying..."

He glanced at me and frowned, bare in mind he was driving a car, and we were on a busy street.

"I'm sorry... Please don't be annoyed at-"

"Jimin! Keep your eyes on the road! JIMIN!"

He looked in front, there was a bend coming, which he was completely oblivious about. Ahh.. Why is he being so difficult..

He swerved onto a lay-by and stopped the car. Putting his hands up to his head, he was clearly stressed.

"Ahh, oh my god, I'm sorry..."

I shook my head out of annoyance and crossed my arms, staring outside the window, opposite from facing him.

"You need to start paying attention more. First you forget dog food for our pet which you've probably forgotten about. And then you don't even focus on the road! I mean, are you stupid? Did you forget what you got taught in your driving lessons?"

I felt his eyes glare at me, but they didn't feel like he was trying to pierce a whole into me. Luckily.

"I said I was sorry-"

I immediately moved to face him, staring right into his eyes.

"Well sorry doesn't solve everything. What about last time? You nearly drove into a traffic light. And that other time.. You were calling somebody in the car."

"I was using the car to call someo-"

"Oh, and lets not forget January! You nearly drove us off an edge into a woodlands at the bottom of a steep hill! It's hard to believe you weren't drunk!"

I saw that he was starting to cry, oh my god, not this again. He's so weak. He can't even handle a little criticism!

"I'm sorry Hoseok! Okay?! I'm sorry! I can't help it! You keep yelling at me all of the time! You keep distracting me every single day! I can' help it!"

"Oh, do I now? Am I that hard to put up with? Every single day? And you don't annoy me at all!-"

"Please Hoseok.. Just st-"

"You're so annoying! I can't remember the last time you didn't annoy me! Heck, even your face is annoying. Seeing you every day, it annoys me so much. You're just annoying Jimin. Stupid and annoying. I don't know what I was thinking when I fell in love with you. The biggest mistake of my life."

He was crying even more now, a lot, so much that he had to go from wiping his eyes with his hands, to using his scarf. So many tears were streaming down his face at this point, it was practically a waterfall.

"I don't love you anymore."

"I don't love you anymore..."

Saucy, but you get the suspense and joy of waiting till the next chapter to find out what happens next! I have no idea when that will be, but today I was so bored and just really wanted to write something after doing 3 hours of revision *sigh* so hope you enjoy. Cause I'm back :)

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