Chapter Four: Missing?

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Author's Note:
This is my first author's note. But,  I really don't like this topic that I have to write about to get to the pregnancy part so I'll basically skim it but, I'm defiantly NOT going into great detail..

Chapter Four: Missing?
   I looked at my calender, worried. No. No. No. NO. I flipped through it checking every pink circle over specific dates. Panicking, I ran downstairs in my pajama shorts and shirt, throwing on some flip flops once I got to the front door.

   "Mom. Dad. I'll be home in about 30 minutes, okay?" I asked as my parents were finishing their waffle breakfast.

   "Where are you going?" My father asked. Goodness. Can a teen NOT be a teen or what? Can I not leave without explaining my whole plan?

   "I'm going to Dove's house." I lied but, I knew Dove, (my best friend since 7th grade when she first moved here) would cover for me.

   "Okay. Be back in 30 minutes. We have plans today." Mom said.

   "Kay." I basically ran out and into my car. Driving 10 miles over the speed limit I reached Dean's house in record time.  I jumped out of my car and ran to the door knocking fast.  This was an emergency, he better open up.

   After about 10 seconds of me furiously knocking, Victoria opened the door.

   "Hello sweetheart.  Where's Dean?" I asked.

   "His room." She said rather sleepily.

   Thanking her, I fast walked into the house and into his room not even bothering to knock on his door. Who knows what he could be doing now but, I don't care. He looked frightened by the sudden movement of the door.

   Wheezing I said, "It's missing. My calender said today, Dean."

   His eyes grew and he knew exactly what I meant by "It's missing." Dean understood me well. His response was jumping up, grabbing my hand, and running out to his truck.

   Upon arriving we jumped out and went right to the pregnancy test aisle, grabbing the first one we saw. Dean bought it then pushed me into a bathroom saying, "Show me when you come out." Then he kissed my cheek.

   I walked into the bathroom. I've never done this before. What do I do? I don't even have to pee.. Well, I'll try anyways.

   After sitting there for a good five minutes or more, I finally peed on the stick. I put it down on the sink, waiting for the answer. This little stick could tell me if my life is ruined or not. Without the stick in my hands I paced the bathroom floor, wishing that I could stop shaking.

   I figured I had paced and waited long enough. I closed one eye and squinted the other as I looked at my pregnancy test. A pink plus sign. 

   All I could do was drop to my knees and cry. I spent ten minutes just crying. My life is ruined. I'm a mother now, no longer a teenager. These terrifying thoughts ran through my head.

   Grabbing it and running to Dean I threw myself into his arms, crying. I didn't care that we were getting stares.

   He kissed my head and took the stick from my shaking hands. Looking at it, I think he might've started crying too. 

   "We're expecting." He choked out and touched my stomach.

   I couldn't speak, I was terrified.  How to tell people? My parents are going to kill me. It's going to hurt. My thin body will be gone. "What are we going to do?" I asked looking up at him.

   "I have no idea."

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