Chapter Five: Telling My Parents

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   It's been a week since I found out that I'm pregnant. I'm so scared to tell my parents. They're definitely going to hate me for disobeying their rules.

   I walked into the living room in my pajamas. "Mom. Dad. I have to tell you guys something."

   My dad put down his newspaper and my mom patted the seat next to her saying, "What is it honey?"

   "No thanks mom, I'd rather stand." I took a deep breath.  "I disobeyed your rules and I want to apologize first of all. And, second of all the rules I disobeyed caused me to be pregnant." I squinted my eyes once I said pregnant, I didn't want to see their reactions. It'd be scary. All I heard was the door slamming, which meant someone left and my mom crying so, that means my father left. I opened my eyes and my heart melted when I saw my mom's mascara running down her face. They didn't make these rules because they didn't like Dean. They didn't make them because they didn't want their daughter to be a teenager.  They made them to protect me.

   I sat beside my mom and pulled her into a hug, mumbling a bunch of "I'm so sorry"s. She just cried, didn't say anything, all she did was get up and go to her room, closing the door behind her. I could hear her crying, which made me break down and cry all the way up to my bedroom.  Laying on the bed, I fell asleep.

   Once I woke up, it was four in the afternoon. I just took a 5 hour nap. Crying makes me tired..

   I walked downstairs to see my dad, mom, and Dean sitting in the living room. My parents on one couch and Dean on another. I sat in the big comfy chair, waiting for them to start talking, or yelling, whatever they were going to do.

   "We are so disappointed in you both." My mother choked out, sounding like she was going to break down any second again.

   "Because of you" My dad said, pointing at Dean, "MY daughter has to deal with the consequences.  You are no good. What about our talk? You are so stupid that you can't comprehend what I said to you." My dad said rubbing his head.

   "Graham, this isn't only Dean's fault.  Although, I hate to say it, but Aubrianna also did something here. Your sweet, innocent baby princess is no longer innocent or a baby. In fact, your 'baby princess'" My mom used quotation fingers. "is carrying a baby. Right. Now." I felt embarrassed, I could feel my cheeks burning. I didn't know my dad still thought of me as a little girl.

   "Anyways, she's still my baby princess. We've decided that it's your decision on if you want to keep the ba-" My dad was interrupted by my mom.

   "NO. Abortion is NO option here. You WILL keep the baby or put it up for adoption.  Your punishment is that you will go through the full terms of being pregnant, give birth, and you're NOT to be around Dean by yourselves.  Dean, if you two decide to keep the baby, you will help with buying things, be in the baby's life even if you two break up, you will help Aubrey raise the baby, and you're not allowed to be with Aubrianna by yourselves. If Dean comes over you guys must stay in the living room and Aubrey is not allowed to go to your house. Aubrey, if you keep the baby, we will give you a specific amount of money each month. You must buy your baby whatever it needs for that month.  You don't have to buy food for yourself, but you will have to buy your baby's food. You must pay for the baby"s doctor's appointments once it's born. If you want something from a store you have to use the money that we gave you. This is for your own good. You need to learn how to be an adult." My mom finished and kissed me on my head.

   "Dean and I need to talk about the baby. Can we at least have a little privacy?" I asked looking at my parents.

   "The only privacy you're getting is us being in the other room." My father explained.

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