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Brooklyn, New York

Brooklyn, New York

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"One down, one to go," I mumbled to myself as I switched between essays

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"One down, one to go," I mumbled to myself as I switched between essays.

I was 20 years old and a hardworking junior in college. Busy and stressed out was an understatement for how I felt through-out a regular day. College was whipping my ass, but I still managed to be on top of everything.

After all, I couldn't complain. I had one more year until I graduated and everything was paid for. Since I did so well in high school, I earned a full scholarship to Brooklyn college among others and quickly took them upon their offer. I chose Brooklyn College so I could stay closer to my parents.

My family had the finances to pay for everything, but they saved a lot of money from not having to do so.

"Good morning baby," my boyfriend of 3 years, Lorenzo, said as he walked into the kitchen.

I watched in adoration as he fixed myself and his a cup of coffee before he walked towards me and sat it down beside my laptop

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I watched in adoration as he fixed myself and his a cup of coffee before he walked towards me and sat it down beside my laptop.

He bent down to peck my lips before wrapping his muscular arms around me. The scent of Gucci shower gel bounced off his body, signifying that he had just hopped out of the shower.

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