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I wrapped a towel around my semi wet body after hopping out of the shower. Taking a quick glance in the smoky mirror, I stepped into my bedroom only to be hit with a gust of cold air coming from the vent right above the door.

Lo looked up at me from the bed, laughing at how I was freezing.

I rolled my eyes at him before walking over to the closet and rummaging through it for a pair of pajamas

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I rolled my eyes at him before walking over to the closet and rummaging through it for a pair of pajamas.

I felt his big arms wrap around me from behind before he began kissing my neck. My breathing came to a halt as he decorated my neck with his kisses.

"Leave them clothes where they at," he whispered in my ear making me want to melt.

Turning my body to face him, I looked at him with lustful eyes. He guided me to the bed as we continued to kiss each other.

He stood over me before relieving me of the wet towel and throwing it on the floor. I knew that my damp body was wetting up the comforter set, but I didn't care at this point.

I sat up as I watched him strip away his clothes until he got to his boxers. I could see LOUD AND CLEAR how much we wanted me. He was standing at full attention, and I was kind of scared. We hadn't had sex in a minute so I knew his sex drive was up the wall.

He pressed his body on top of mine before kissing me passionately. "Tell me if I'm hurting you," he said, looking into my eyes as he started to insert himself.

I hissed as slight pain shot through my body. He kissed me to distract me from it until he was fully inside, making me gasp at the fullness I felt inside of me.

He continued to look into my eyes as he stroked me slowly. I was practically crying at how good it felt. "Oh my gosh," I said, gripping the sheets as he went faster.

The low grunts he let out under his breath were enough to drive me insane. "I love you Par-" I said, catching myself.

I quickly studied Lo's face to see if he caught what I said, but it looked like he didn't, he was too into it, which I was thankful for.

Lo and I held hands as we walked through Walmart together. We were gonna make a few groceries before he headed back to work for the night.

"So I need to get one thing from the beauty area, and then we can leave," I said.

"Ight, imma head to the bathroom while you do that."

He gave me a quick peck on the lips before we headed off in different directions.

I hummed to myself as I walked through Walmart, taking a few glances down each aisle before finally arriving at the beauty area.

I grabbed a bottle of the macadamia hair mask, and some eyelashes before heading off in the direction of the checkout area.

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