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Paris sat besides Kim's hospital bed as he watched her eat the food the doctors gave her. Ever since she had woken up she barely said anything and he didn't want to bombard her with questions on what happened.

All he cared about was that she was okay.

Not being able to handle the nasty taste in her mouth anymore, Kim sat the plate of food back on the lunch tray. Looking over at Paris, she gave him a small smile. She couldn't see his eyes because he had shades on, like always, but the wrinkles on his forehead showed that he was deep in thought.

"You okay baby?" Paris said, grabbing her hand and rubbing his thumb over her knuckle.

"Considering the fact that my leg is broken, I'm doing just fine. My body hurts a little bit, but I'm good."

He nodded before looking down at the big cast on her leg. Even though what happened was a honest mistake, he felt that he failed a protecting her like he said he would. "So Kim, what happened? You was asleep when I left the house. You just decided to get up and start cooking and then forgot?" he asked causing her to look at him crazy.

"Wait, who told you that? First off, I didn't even know you had left because I was asleep the entire time. I didn't get up to cook, I don't even know how to cook," Kim explained with her eyebrows furrowing.

She didn't understand who spun that web of lies, but she knew for a fact that she didn't even wake up, let alone cook anything.

Paris furrowed his brows before stroking his goatee. "So wait, you didn't even go downstairs?"

"No. Like I said, I was asleep and then woke up to smoke choking me."

Paris's mind went back to that day as he tried to remember what he did before he left. He knew he didn't leave the stove on because he didn't cook anything. The police said there was no sign of a break in so how could anybody have gotten in the house, and who at that?

He was confused, but he wasn't dumb. Something was up and he was determined to find out.

"Kim, stay right here, I'll be right back," he said before kissing her on the forehead.

"Well where else would I go?" She mumbled, looking down at her leg.

Milan sat on Kiko's couch as she flipped through channels on the TV. A quick glimpse of Paris's house appeared causing her to hurry and flip back to it.

It was on the news and a news reporter was discussing the fact that it was the biggest house in the neighborhood that was burnt down

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It was on the news and a news reporter was discussing the fact that it was the biggest house in the neighborhood that was burnt down.

Milan watched in disbelief at the half burnt house. Then the news reporter mentioned Kim being in the hospital from having to jump from the two story house.

A knot formed in her stomach at the thought of her former best friend jumping from a two story window. She wanted to cry, because she knew that she was hurt.

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