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"Come on baby," Paris said as he helped Kim get into his Maserati. The doctor discharged her from the hospital and he was glad because they both were tired of sitting in that cold place.

"Be careful with her Paris, watch her leg," Carmen instructed as she watched him cater to her daughter.
She didn't know much about Paris, but she figured he had to mean a lot to Kim for her to leave Lorenzo.

She got a good vibe from him and could tell that he cared for Kim. He made her happy, and that's all she wanted for her child, happiness.

"Mama, I think he got it," Kim said right before he ran into the door.

"Mhm, sure he does," Carmen laughed.

"My bad baby," Paris apologized before they both laughed at him.

Once Kim was all the way in the car, he closed the door behind her.

"Okay y'all just meet me back at the house after you finish up doing what y'all have to do. I'll have the guest room set up for y'all," Carmen told him before walking to her Range Rover.

He nodded before hopping inside his car.

"You sure yo mama cool with us staying by hers? Kim I have plenty other houses of my own we can go to," he said.

"Paris, my mom is the one who wanted us to stay there. Even though we aren't together yet, I want you to get to know my parents and I thought this would be the perfect opportunity."

Kim and Lo's apartment was still available since Lo told her she could have it, but she didn't want to stay there anymore. They made too many memories there and it was too much for her to bear.

He sighed before giving in. He didn't wanna intrude in on nobody's space and make him seem like a bum. But Carmen knew he had it.
Paris helped Kim out of the elevator and rolled her down the hall in the wheel chair the hospital gave her. She had to grab some things from there before they headed over to her parents'.

Kim put her key in the door and they came face to face with Lorenzo. The look in his eyes still read hurt and Kim could tell he had barely slept since the break up.

"Lo what are you doing here?" she asked.

"I just came back to get the rest of my things. The desk clerk said you hadn't been here in weeks so I thought I'd come while you were gone."

Paris stood there awkwardly as the two conversed. He just wanted to grab Kim's things and leave. He wasn't too interested in hearing his love interest talking with her ex. It made him uncomfortable.

"Uh, we can come back. We didn't mean t-"

"No it's cool. I'm done anyways," he tightened his lips.

They just stood there staring at each other until Kim decided to break the silence. "Lo, can I talk to you for a second," Kim asked. She really wanted him to know how sorry she was.

"Kim, we don't really have anything to talk abo-"


He sighed before nodding.

Paris gave her an "you sure?" look before she nodded and he went to the vending machine.

"You okay? I heard about that accident. I called, but you didn't pick up," he said. He was mad at her, but he still cared about her, no matter what she did to him.

"My phone burned in the fire. Thanks for calling to check up on me though. Lo, I just want you to know that you are an amazing man. You deserve so much more than I gave you and I'm truly sorry," she said, looking into his eyes.

He stared back at her as she spoke. He felt it was just too soon for him to forgive her right now. He truly loved her with all of him and she crushed him. Betrayed was all he felt ever since the break-up.

"I hope you feel better K," was all he said before giving her once last look and leaving out.

She wanted to cry because she never felt so guilty in her life, but she knew she made the right decision when she choose Paris.

Paris walked back into the apartment to see Kim just sitting there with a sad look on her face. "Bae, you okay? I overheard y'all conversation and I just wanted to say if you don't think you made the right choice then you're more than free to rethink your decision," he said even though he'd be hurt if she went back to Lo.

Kim looked up at him before grabbing his hand. "Paris, I want to be with you, and only you," she smiled before he bent down and kissed her lips.

Milan scurried throughout her bedroom as she rushed to get dressed to meet Kim

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Milan scurried throughout her bedroom as she rushed to get dressed to meet Kim. Ever since she saw her in that hospital bed all she could think about was what Jaq said. She wouldn't be able to bear it if anything happened to her former best friend.

She knew it was dangerous, but she had to warn Paris.

Dialing Kim's number, it went straight to voicemail. "Kim I know I'm the last person you wanna hear from right now but I have to tell you something very important," she said before hanging up. Just as she was about to walk out of the door she was snatched up by Jaq and pinned against the wall.

Her feet dangled above the ground as his hands were wrapped around her neck.

"I see you don't know how to follow directions. All you had to do was keep your mouth closed," he said calmly.

Milan just knew he was a lunatic by how calm he seemed to be while choking her. Her eyes widened as she struggled to get him off of her.

"Please," she huffed begging for him to spare her life as her breathing pattern altered.

Seeing that he wasn't going to let go, she kneed him in the balls making him let go and howl in pain.

Hopping up off of the ground she ran as fast as she could, falling down the stairs in the process.

Milan coughed as she opened the door and tried to run down the street to her next door neighbors house.

She heard a car start up and turned to see it coming full speed toward her right before it ran her clean over sending her flying over the hood.

This is a short chapter. 🥶 it's cool though

Excuse mistakes and typos

Yours Truly,

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