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"Class is dismissed," my professor said before everyone practically trampled over each other to get out of the classroom.

It was now summer time and we were off. I couldn't be more excited knowing that I didn't have to stay up all night trying to finish homework or proofread an essay.

I could kick up my feet and relax. Summer was the time that would make up for me missing all the frat parties that were being thrown during the semester.

As soon as my foot hit the sidewalk, my best friend, Milan, was behind me calling my name. I turned around to see her jogging towards me. Her long black ponytail bounced as her feet took turns hitting the pavement.

She stopped directly in front of me before pulling me into a hug. "Bestie!" she said, dragging out the e.

Milan and I had been best friends since middle school. She was my ride or die, my bitch, and my sister. Of course we had to attend the same college.

"Hey babe. How was class?"

She fake yawned before shaking her head. "Boring, per usual."

Milan never liked going to school, but she was smart as hell. She earned full scholarships to several different colleges but of course she picked the one I picked.

"Well at least we're off for the summer now," I chuckled before looping my arm around hers.

"My cousin is throwing a party tonight. We definitely have to go."

I huffed before rolling my eyes. I liked parties but every time Milan brought me to one, I ended up going home early.

"The parties you bring me to always take a turn for the worst. I think I'll pass," I said, pursing my lips together.

She kissed her teeth before looking at me. "There's going to be some fine ass guys there. You know you wanna come," she said, doing a quick little dance.

I laughed at her before shaking my head. "I'm in a relationship, remember? But fine, I'll go with you. As soon as I feel like the party is about to turn stupid, I'll be leaving."

"Oh I can assure you that you're gonna love it."
"You look tasty. Where you getting all dressed up to go to?" Lo asked, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind.

I smiled to myself as I continued to apply lipgloss.

"I'm going to a party with Milan. She invited me to her cousin's party."

"Awe man. I had a little dinner planned for us along with some other stuff."

We hadn't gone on a date in a while so I instantly started to feel bad. Every time we would make plans, they would get canceled due to our busy schedules.

I turned around to look at him before wrapping my arms around his neck. "I could cancel. You know I love spending time with you."

"No, don't cancel. I wouldn't want to upset Milan," he chuckled.

I studied his facial expression to make sure he was sure. "Are you sure?"

"Babe I'm positive. Go out and have fun with your friends. I know you've been stressed out from school. Take some time and have fun," he kissed my cheek before heading out of the bathroom.

Hurrying and finishing my makeup, I grabbed the curling iron and put a few waves in my hair before spraying it with hair spray. I then spritzed a little of Nicki Minaji's Pink Friday perfume before heading out of the bathroom.

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