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Two weeks later


I gave myself once last glance in the mirror before grabbing a crutch

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I gave myself once last glance in the mirror before grabbing a crutch. I didn't really need them anymore but my doctor told me to keep one on me just in case my leg started to act up.

After me and Paris "broke up" I got Denise to immediately pick me up and bring me back to my apartment. I didn't want even want to stay there but I felt like I didn't have a choice.

My heart weighed heavily in my chest. The man I left my boyfriend of fours years for, left me. I knew he had good reason, but I told him I was down for him, no matter the consequences.

My life was in shambles, and I was trying my best to put the pieces of it back together.

My phone rang in my pocket before I dug it out. Denise's picture flashed across the screen making me answer it. "Hey best," I said in a sing song voice.

"Hey babe! Hurry up and come get me, mama is driving me insane in this house. She keep trying to get me to cook, knowing dog on well that I can't."

I laughed before shaking my head. "Girl I'm on my way. Be dressed when I get there," I said, before hanging up.

Picking my keys up off the table I slid on my ferragamo slides before heading out the door.

Dawn was having a family gathering later on today and decided to invite me. Even though I did not want to see Paris, I wasn't going to turn Dawn down. Denise and I were heading to the mall to pick out our outfits.

I needed some retail therapy.

"That two piece set is going to look so good on you. I wish I could wear two pieces. Eden won't let me be great though," Denise said, looking down at her belly.

She was a few weeks away from her due date, and I couldn't wait. I was going to live my mom-life through her until I decided to have kids.

"Girl stop, you still look good. Your outfit makes you look like you're not even pregnant."

"Mhm, anyways. Let's stop ignoring the elephant in the room. You've barely been out of your apartment since I dropped you off there. Are you okay?"

I shrugged, holding back the tears that were threatening to fall. I didn't know what was wrong with me, or why I wanted this man in my life so badly, but I just did.

Denise tossed her lips to the side before rubbing my back. "Kim, I know what you're going through. It's called heartbreak. It's okay to not be okay. I look at you like my sister. You can tell me anything, and I'll be there for you."

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